A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: pulmonary hemorrhage

Self-amplifying RNA and other versions of Pfizer's “vaccine”

Team Enigma has developed a new search tool Abstractor to quickly search Pfizer documents that have been released by FOIA, without the need to download each document separately. The tool can be found here: https://vaccines.shinyapps.io/abstractor/

Please consider donating to support the development. In this video I am discussing my findings on RNA and multiple versions of gene therapy products that Pfizer was allowed to develop under the same Investigational New Drug (IND) application. What does this mean for future varieties of these dangerous and untested products? Please post your questions and comments and I will respond to them in the future videos.

UK: vaccines have negative efficacy

Remember when Pfizer & Moderna got into a game of one-upmanship on vaccine efficacy? 90%, 94%, 94.5%? Turns out its negative 3,000% – 3x’s worse than unvaccinated.

Perhaps you were made for just such a time as this - Esther 4:14

Dr. Lee Vliet, Todd Callender and Lt. Col. Pete Chambers join SGT to discuss the war being waged against humanity with mRNA experimental injections and the fast-tracked rollout of 5G towers across the world. Perhaps you were made for just such a time as this, patriot.

Pulmonary hemorrhage killing newborn vaxx babies


An alarming number of babies are dying just days after birth, and they’re all dying for the same reason: pulmonary hemorrhage. The common denominator in all of the deaths is that the babies’ mothers are vaxxed!