A State Of Truth

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Posts for Tag: psychological warfare

U.N. Planetary Emergency Coming! False Flag Climate Tyranny

Globalists are about to meet this fall to plan a “Technocratic Takeover.” That is what our guest Derrick Broze calls the upcoming United Nations Meeting called “Summit of the Future” where nations will sign the so-called “Pact for the Future." It is expected to declare a “planetary emergency.” We don't like the sound of any of that! Broze is an independent journalist who writes for TheConsciousResistance.com and he joins us to discuss this.

Grid Down Scenario: Hell on Earth - Dr. Jason Dean

The WEF continues to fear monger (or predictive program) us about an impending cyber attack which is one attack vector that could lead to a grid down scenario in the United States. And in a country where half the population doesn’t have $500 for an emergency, the majority of the population in not only unprepared for a worst case scenario, they will contribute to the problem when they panic and begin looting the cities. Dr. Jason Dean joins SGT Report to discuss.

CIA/Mossad-linked surveillance systems quietly installed throughout the U.S. - Whitney Webb

Whitney Webb is here to discuss the very alarming development of intelligence-backed surveillance and pre-crime systems being rolled out under a guise of helping/protecting the people, one that her and I discussed in 2020 regarding Carbyne911, and one that is the focus of her recent article. Since 2020, this issue has only grown, and now a CIA & Mossad connected surveillance system is being quietly rolled out across the United States, one that is already being used in different aspects of infrastructure and public services. Is this a fast-track to a technocratic panopticon? What does this mean for you personally? Tune and find out.