A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: propaganda

The Controlled Opposition Dialectic - Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai

MIT scholar, political activist, author and U.S. Presidential candidate (I) Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai returns to SGT Report to discuss the GOP and DNC’s monopoly on our elections, and what Dr. Shiva views as the controlled opposition dialectic as his campaign’s volunteers are interfered with, and arrested on the local level. This is AmeriKa in 2024. You can stay in touch with and/or support Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai’s campaign for U.S. President here: https://shiva4president.com/about-shiva/ https://truthfreedomhealth.com/

Relentless Deception - Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai

MIT scholar, political activist, author and U.S. Presidential candidate (I) Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai returns to SGT Report with some very uncomfortable data and a perspective which is bound to upset many of you. But listen with an open mind and heart, you may need to recalibrate your paradigm just a bit after listening to this one. You can stay in touch and/or support Dr. Shiva here: https://shiva4president.com/about-shiva/ and https://truthfreedomhealth.com/.

What About UFOs has Tucker Too Terrified to Cover it?

Tucker Carlson and Clayton Morris are extremely concerned about UFO disclosure and the government’s involvement in the esoteric subject. From MH370 to the fallen angels of Genesis 6, Dustin Nemos joins SGT Report to discuss hidden technologies, vanishing passenger planes, and much more.

Ethylene Oxide (EO) – Medical Devices - Polymerisation

CBDC Hits High Gear - the Mask Comes Off

Christine Lagarde of European Central Bank, Elizabeth Warren, and others on why they must have CBDC to control you and how they're accelerating the roll out.

Was it Only Paper Moon? The Apollo Moon Landing Hoax Exposed! - James Collier (1997)

Did NASA really go to the Moon? This is a 1997 documentary and investigation by Jim Collier into the inconsistencies surrounding the design of the Lunar Excursion Module [LEM] and the Primary Life Support System [PLSS].

A 90-minute unbroken chain of 'circumstantial' evidence that proves we could not have gone to the Moon. When addressing these pertinent questions with NASA officials, he receives no answers.

This 90 minute investigative report by James Collier includes new evidence from the Johnson Space Center in Houston — and questions whether NASA was guilty of spending billions of taxpayer money — to stage the greatest theatrical hoax of all time. Investigative reporter James Collier examines anomalies in NASA's Apollo missions. James M. Collier died in September 1998 a year after the release of this film. (I wonder did they kill him?)

Released in Spring 1997. You'll never see the moon landing the same again.

India Lands Cartoon on the Moon & Other Woo - David Weiss | Jeranism

First China and now India have successfully landed animations on the “moon” and in upside down world you are expected to digest it all as fact despite precious little proof that these scientific “accomplishments” are real. And in the case of India’s moon mission, the animation on South Park is better. David Weiss and Jeran join SGT Report to discuss it and more.

Did India Really Land on the Moon?

Last week, the Indian Space Agency allegedly landed an unmanned spacecraft and rolled out a rover onto the South Pole of the Moon. As usual, however, nearly 99% of the footage shown of this ground-breaking event was clear, obvious, and very poor CGI. Why do you suppose NASA, Roscosmos, the Chinese, Indian and all other world space agencies spend money creating and air-time broadcasting all these computer graphic animations of their expeditions rather than showing us actual video footage? How difficult would it be to have a few cameras on these crafts permanently recording different angles of the entire flight for us? They allegedly succeeded in having a live telephone conversation between Nixon and astronauts on the Moon broadcast on television over 50 years ago, but with half a century of technological advancement we still cannot receive live video from these rockets after only a couple minutes of ascent...