Forensic Arborist Robert Brame explains unusual fire behaviour and burn patterns that have been observed in California and Maui, leaving many wondering what's behind this bizarre phenomenon. From unburnt trees and leaves to seemingly planned burn areas, these fire patterns have sparked curiosity and concern among residents and scientists alike. In this video, we'll delve into the possible causes of this weird fire behaviour, exploring factors such as conductive materials, conditions, human activity, and wrongful accusations of arson. Join us as we investigate the mysterious forces driving these unusual fire patterns and what they might mean for our understanding of wildfires and their impact on our society.
Posts for Tag: police state
What’s Causing the Weird Fire Burn Patterns in California & Maui? - Robert Brame
Ian Carrol Schools Elon Musk on Israel
Around 700 Children Reportedly Fell Sick After Polio Vaccination in Peshawar (2019)
At least 700 schoolchildren fell sick after polio vaccination in Peshawar causing an attack on a hospital in city by angry mob, ARY News reported on Monday.
An angry mob resorted to rioting at Mashokhel Hospital in Badha Beer area of Peshawar after several children allegedly fell sick after being administered polio vaccine. [Read More]
Rabbi Finkelstein Claims Children are Sacrificed & Processed into Meat at McDonald’s and Other Fast Food Places
Rabbi Finkelstein admits in an interview that 300,000 children are sacrificed and processed into meat at McDonald's every year. Rabbi Finkelstein says that their tradition of blood sacrifice has a tradition of thousands of years. "We take the children of the enemy, and that is the White Race, bring them into the basements of our synagogues and bleed them dry.
They are Not Like You And I, They are Like Monsters
It Begins... Global Chaos as Beast System Deploys Test
Demons of the mRNA Vax - Anna Mihalcea
Dr. Ana Mihalcea returns to SGT Report with new data and research about the mRNA bioweapon and it is jaw dropping. We are all being infected by this deadly Luciferian nanotech – and if we don’t take steps to detox our blood and bodies, the unvaxed will likely start dropping dead too.