A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: pharmacy

Statin drugs: what you need to know

Dr. Joseph Mercola talks about the dangers and side effects of taking statin drugs and how to optimize your cholesterol levels naturally.

Changing education paradigms

It is interesting what they say at 04:40 and in the end they recommend their own iPhone app… However, entire video makes sense what this guy has in mind.

Vitamin D kills the flu virus

So why are they spraying chemtrails or chemical contrails which block out natural sunlight? WHY are they doing this? If the World Health Organisation were so concerned about the swine flu pandemic they would be aware that natural sunlight is a very good source for the body to make vitamin D and would be concerned about the artificial cloud covering which is being created by aircraft now worldwide. My first videos in April 2009 started with the heavy chemtrail spraying in my area showing blue skies turn a hazy white blocking out the sun for the rest of the day. I know from users who contact me that there is a 24/7 campaign of chemical spraying in the atmosphere in the USA. From my research I found that chemicals could be added to aviation fuel. Please see my video: Chemtrails chemicals added to aviation fuel. Government document now online. For the DEFRA documents.

DEFRA says chemicals added to aviation fuel can be a cost effective way to spray a so-called protective screen as to block out the suns rays and reduce global warming. This however would have an opposite effect. Please look up Global Dimming and the Hydrological Cycle on net, but is this really about protecting the earth or is it about stopping you receiving natural sunlight and making vitamin D?

Vitamin D is important for helping the immune system fight the flu virus. One reason why the flu may be more contagious in the winter time is because of the lack of sunlight. The lack of sunlight prevents our skin from producing sufficient levels of vitamin D. There is now documented evidence about the roles of solar ultraviolet-B radiation and vitamin D in reducing case-fatality rates from the 1918-1918 influenza pandemic in EU.

I quote: There are two mechanisms whereby vitamin D can reduce the risk of death once the pandemic influenza virus infection took hold: reduced production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and reduced risk of bacterial pneumonia.

The type of vitamin D which can fight viruses can only be made from natural sunlight. It is known as D3, which is made from sunlight when 7-dihydro-cholesterol in our skin reacts with UV light.

I quote: It is then twice activated in the liver and kidney to make 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D. This attaches to receptors on genes that control their expression, which turn protein production on or off. Vitamin D regulates the expression of more than 1,000 genes throughout the body. They include genes in macrophages, cells in the immune system that, among other things, attack and destroy vitamins.

Which mean the vaccination doesn’t work so well as a unsuppressed immune response is needed to build up anti-bodies and immunity to that particular vaccine. So another reason to block out the natural sunlight.

If our governments were so concerned about the swine flu surely they would put a stop to these climate change experiments which blocks out everyone's natural sunlight. The fact that they or the media will not even report on the chemtrails happening above us only leads me to be more suspicious of what the chemical spraying is really about.

Vax attacks: the new mRNA coronavirus vaccines will likely cause immune cells to attack placenta cells, causing female infertility, miscarriage or birth defects

Two brave doctors, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and Dr. Michael Yeadon, have issued a motion for administrative and regulatory action to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) regarding the new mRNA coronavirus vaccines developed by Pfizer/BioNTech. They warn that the vaccines can attack placenta cells, causing female infertility. The doctors petition for regulatory action that requires confirmation of efficacy end points. The doctors are petitioning the EMA for a stay-of-action, halting the emergency approval of the new vaccines until the companies can correct the study design to ensure covid-19 diagnosis/confirmation of data end points is true, and not based on mere, nonspecific symptoms and false positive high cycle PCR tests. [Full article]

Former salesman for vaccine maker Merck & Co. wouldn’t vaccinate his son

"If you believe what you are told by the AMA and the CDC and you are doctor, you are not doing enough research."

In 1991 Scott Cooper and his wife researched vaccine safety and efficacy, determined vaccines are NOT safe or effective, and refused to vaccinate their son. Interestingly, their son was much healthier than his vaccinated peers throughout childhood. At the time, Scott worked as a sales rep for Merck & Co., a large vaccine manufacturer, and he had dived deep into researching vaccines and the risk associated with vaccination. His Pediatrician was befuddled that Scott would not vaccinate, especially because he worked for a large vaccine manufacturer! His son continues to be healthy, and Scott and his wife have no regrets about not vaccinating their son.

Selling sickness

Why are so many people on drugs? How come people are so much sicker today than they were 50-60 years ago? Or are they really?

These are just a couple of important questions that are answered in the following video documentary, “Selling Sickness”. Never before have so many Americans been on anti-depressants and pharmaceutical drugs in general, and the Pharmaceutical Industry is booming from all the enormous quantities of pills they are selling. Are we really that sick, or are illnesses invented to sell more drugs?

One big market is anti-depressants. This documentary starts with exposing the drug Paxil and its horrible side effects. The drug is often prescribed for anxiety, inability to perform in groups, and for people who isolate themselves because they get nervous together with other people. The drug works for many, while they create even more severe depressions in others, and quite a few suicides have been reported. The drug company defends itself by saying that it was not the drug, but the disorder that called for the drug that caused the suicide or severe depression. Nevertheless, it has been proven that most of the victims were not typical “mental patients”, but people with minor problems who had been put on the drug. In addition, when patients have tried to stop taking the drug, the withdrawals are so severe that they haven’t been able to quit the drug, and instead are forced to continue taking it for life. If the drug is working, taking it for life may not sound too bad, but if the drug is causing considerable negative effects and the patient can’t stop taking it, there can be severe consequences where suicide may seem to be the only way out of the misery. Tapering down from the drug hasn’t helped in many cases, and the doctors don’t know how to handle the withdrawals. Nowhere is the drug company informing the doctors and patients that this drug is addictive! Same thing with a whole lot of other drugs, anti-depressants in particular. The drug company producing Paxil was recently sued by a number of victims and family members of those who committed suicide while being on the drug.

Big Pharma are the biggest lobbyists on Capitol Hill, even bigger than the Oil Industry and other giants. They are also spending huge amount of dollars on advertising and ways to indoctrinate physicians to promote and prescribe their drugs. Drug reps are constantly visiting doctor’s offices trying to ‘sell’ their particular samples to the physicians. How do they do that? By bribing the doctors with fancy meals, fishing trips, vacations to expensive places etc., all paid for by the drug companies. Every single prescription the doctors are writing, every shot they are giving, every single pill prescribed to the patients are registered by the drug companies and statistics are made out of the information they get. Thus they can also monitor each and every doctor to see exactly how he/she works and what his/her preferences are. They also create a profile of each provider, so that they know what he/she likes and dislikes. This way they know how to bribe him/her. An example would be a doctor who loves fishing and the drug company simply buys him a wonderful fishing trip to some nice place. It is then very hard for that physician to say no to prescribing their particular drug(s).

Drug reps are the foot people of the drug companies, and one drug rep is telling us in this video that if she comes in to a doctor’s office and is told that her specific drug samples have not been used, or poorly used in favor of a competitor’s drug, she gets the chills, because her employer then knows she did not do a good job with promoting the drug.

The moral of this (or the lack thereof) is that to sell more drugs, the pharmaceutical industry is forced to invent new illnesses to promote and distribute new drugs on the market - illnesses that are not illnesses but normal human reactions and emotions and then classify them as deceases that can be cured with their new drug. People then of course recognize this condition in themselves (because the majority of the population may have it as it is a normal condition in every-day life) and think this drug can help them to deal with it instead of processing it themselves, like they should. In the long run there will be a drug for each and every human emotion and reaction, so that individuals don’t have to think and process their daily challenges and problems anymore; they just take a drug to suppress them. It doesn’t take a genius to see where this is leading…

Fortunately, there are doctors who are tired of being indoctrinated by drug companies, tired of being biased and interrupted in their work by insistent drug reps. Some people may object and say that the drug reps have an important role to play, because samples are essential and crucial for people who don’t have insurance. This is true to an extent, but physicians and people in general should know that these samples are the most expensive brands and many times with severe side effects never spoken of. The drug companies’ thought behind sampling these drugs in the doctor’s offices is to have the providers continue prescribing their expensive drug to the patient who received the sample. After all, if the patient says the drug works, why would the physician want to change to another drug and prescribe that one instead? The usual procedure is to continue prescribing the same drugs they have in their sample closets.

However, here is one example how to go around this problem. In one small community, a doctor’s office consisting of 9 physicians decided to pay $100.00 each a year from their own pockets ($900.00 a year all together) and give it to the local pharmacy in exchange for drug samples. Instead of buying expensive, new drug samples of the kind that the drug reps promote, they instead asked for cheap and vital samples like aspirin, nitroglycerin, cheap diuretics etc., and got quite a collection for that amount. In addition, the pharmacy agreed to come once a month to the doctor’s office and talk about a drug of the doctors’ choice, so that the physicians could be informed from a source that does not have a financial interest in the particular drug. By doing this, they could show the drug reps the door, and as a positive consequence, they were no longer interrupted in their job.  

It is very important that this information gets out to the physicians and the public, or we will have a society where every individual is considered sick from the cradle to the grave; everybody will be on pills and perfectly healthy people will be made ill by a sick “health” industry.