No Vatican mentioned in this presentation, but worth watching anyway.
Posts for Tag: pawns in the game
"It is a bioweapon" - Dr. Richard Fleming
Anthropologist: within 2 years many people will die from the jab
Humanity has been deceived. Those making these vaccines know these vaccines will kill you. The intention is to exterminate humanity. Are you ready for what is about to come? You have to start preparing yourselves spiritually for this.
The Vatican is the world's oldest intelligence agency: Jay & Tristan
Look out for techno-populism - Trump signs AI Executive Order (2019)
As Trump signs the Executive Order for AI in America, it is important to warn everyone about what is emerging here. The techno-populist movement is something we have not heard much about. But it is clear that it is the direction this country, along with the entire world, is headed. Patrick Wood who is featured in AGE OF DECEIT 3, warns America to look out for techno-populism, despite his approval of the Trump presidency.
University of Western Australia - no record of isolation or purification of CoV by anyone ever
University of Western Australia – home of Gates-funded researcher Christine Carson, who has spent countless hours on social media this past year insisting “yes the COVID-19 virus has been isolated” - provided and Cited zero records for “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification from a patient sample, by anyone anywhere in the world ever! [Full article]
Queensland Labor Party’s continuing push to depopulate the regions
The Queensland State Government’s push to depopulate the regions has taken another turn for the worse as farmers in the Paradise Dam irrigation area in the South Burnett face irrigation allocations of just 14 per cent, down from a usual 80 per cent. Because of a farcical lowering of the dam wall by the state government owned entity Sunwater, allegedly due to engineering faults, farmers will suffer. Irrigators say it will be the end of the line for many of them. [Full article]
Former Marxist speaks out on the death of free speech
Broadcaster Claire Fox, director of the Academy of Ideas, is one of James’s doughtiest comrades in the Culture Wars. Oddly, she’s also a self-confessed leftist – formerly of the Marxist Revolutionary Party. But on free speech they are in total agreement.