A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: pawns in the game

WEF warns: global warming to disrupt financial system, “freeze” bank accounts

In its latest predictive propaganda, the World Economic Forum asks, "What if extreme weather froze your bank account?" It is clear that deliberate interruptions to critical infrastructure are coming, and will be blamed on climate change in order to make the case that an imagined "climate disaster" requires carbon lockdowns and the totalitarian response for which the technocrats have been salivating for generations. Prepare for these disruptions - particularly to our food - now!

VC-19 jab: a toxic poison with an agenda

“This plan is to make sure that we can control and kill off a large proportion of our population without anyone suspecting that we were poisoned and so I think the justification for everything we see is warranted in understanding the endgame.” - Dr. Chetty

Dr. Chetty is a general practitioner with a natural science background in genetics, advanced biology, microbiology and biochemistry. From the start of the Covid pandemic, he has been critically watching the information arising from observations around the world.

Busted: hospital CEOs collude to deny medical care

This explosive press conference presents shocking recordings of hospital executives discussing coordinated plans to restrict fluids and nutrition for hospitalized COVID patients, suppression of all visits for COVID patients while in hospital, denial of vital medicines, and more.

Devout pagans & traitors - Dr. Zev Zelenko

Dr. Zev Zelenko returns to SGT Report to shine the light of truth on the pagans, satanists and traitors of this world who continue to their death agenda on every single human being on earth.

Farmers panic, unable to get supplies to grow food

Around the world, farmers are panicking as they are unable to get the supplies they need to produce food, from fertilizers to herbicides to tractor parts. India has setup a “War Room” for fertilizers after China stopped exports of DAP, prompting farmers to riot to obtain the product they need. 

Many nations are now limiting exports of food and these inputs, so that they may feed their own people. 

This was all foreseen by the Food Chain Reaction Game, which–like Event 201–announced this engineered crisis, and pre-scripted the solution. Christian breaks it down in this important Ice Age Farmer broadcast.