A State Of Truth

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Posts for Tag: pawns in the game

Occult Forces (1943)


Following WW2, the film’s writer, Jean-Marie Rivière, was imprisoned. Its producer, Robert Muzard, and director, Paul Riche (the pseudonym of Jean Mamy), were executed (+1949) for their part in the production of this film.

“Occult Forces” was the last film Riche directed before his unjust execution. Tagline: Les mystères de la francomaçonnerie pour le premier fois dévoilés à l’écran. (The mysteries of Freemasonry revealed for the first time on screen). Plot: The film recounts the life of a young député who joins the Freemasons in order to relaunch his career. He thus learns of how the Freemasons are conspiring with the Jews and the Anglo-american nations to encourage France into a war against Germany.

The film was commissioned in 1942 by the Propaganda Abteilung, a delegation of Nazi Germany’s propaganda ministry within occupied France by the ex-Mason Mamy. It virulently denounces Freemasonry, parliamentarianism and Jews as part of Vichy’s drive against them and seeks to prove a Jewish-Masonic plot. On France’s “liberation” its writer Jean Marquès-Rivière, its producer Robert Muzard and its direction Jean Mamy were purged for collaboration with the enemy. On 25 November 1945, Muzard was condemned to 3 years in prison and Marquès-Rivière was condemned in his absence (he had gone into self-imposed exile) to death and degradation. Mamy had also been a journalist on L’Appel under Pierre Constantini (leader of the Ligue française d’épuration, d’entraide sociale et de collaboration européenne) and on the collaborationist journal Au pilori, and was thus condemned to death and executed at the fortress of Montrouge on 29 March 1949.

Vax deaths are suicide say life insurance companies. Suicide? How some life insurance companies are dealing with experimental vaccines deaths.

The last two weeks we have spent some time looking at the health insurance industry with particular focus on the campaign of… ahem, injections. The UK government now oddly admits that vaccines have damaged the natural immune system of those who have been double-vaccinated. The UK government has admitted that once you have been double-vaccinated, you will never again be able to acquire full natural immunity to Covid variants… or possibly any other virus. [Full article]

Teslaphoresis micro-technology in Pfizer CV-19 jab - La Quinta Columna


Ricardo Delgado: "Good evening, everyone. La Quinta Columna has issued a report entitled "Identification of possible micro-technology and artificial patterns in Pfizer vaccines with optical microscopy," which you can download just below this video. And in which we collect the results of the optical microscopy analysis and photographic report of what was recently observed in the Pfizer vials.

The report is supported by links to the scientific literature related to the research and object of study. It's further divided into three parts:

  1. Observed objects with graphene-like appearance.
  2. Self-assembly of objects observed during the conducted research.
  3. Identification of artificial patterns and micro-technology.

In this report, we draw a series of final conclusions. And we also encourage the scientific and independent community to make similar observations, following the guidelines set out in this study.

The file is in PDF format and is digitally signed. We consider the images to be particularly neat and clear. And we demand an explanation from the health and medical community that has been, and still, administering this target product to our civil society. As well as from the European Medicines Agency itself and other regulatory bodies.

The report will be per the previous complaints presented with the preliminary report by Dr. Campra, dated June 2021, and the final technical report, also by Dr. Campra, dated November of the same year. La Quinta Columna asks our subscribers to spread the word.

Soon, the report will be translated into other languages so that it becomes known and studied in other countries. Thank you all for your attention."