A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: pawns in the game

Stealing children from their parents - where is the outrage over thousands of American children stolen by the State?


While the media is providing wall-to-wall coverage over families being separated at the border when trying to enter the U.S. illegally, howling in outrage without providing any context over some of the reasons they are being separated (such as a convicted rapist separated from his 5 year old daughter after trying to enter the country illegally again), we have to wonder where that same outrage is over the tens of thousands of American children being "ripped from their parents arms" by states' child protective services.

According to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Children's Bureau, the data for fiscal year (FY) 2016 shows that 437,465 children are in the U.S.  foster care system, with 273,539 having entered the foster care system in during FY 2016, for a variety of reasons, some legitimate, and some not as we will show within this article. [Full article]

NWO maggots Biden & Kerry announce food shortages: food supply takeover accelerates

Bread & circuses keep the masses asleep, and they are taking away the bread. 

As Biden announces food shortages are coming - prompting many to go stock up, and likely necessitating food rationing - two massive attacks are being perpetrated against our food supply: a “bird flu” epidemic is sweeping Europe and the US, again fueled by PCR tests, forcing mass depopulation of poultry & “backyard flocks.” 

And farms contaminated with PFAS are being shut down as it is finally revealed that the “Biosludge” applied to farms (including organic!) was the equivalent of salting the Earth to destroy food production. In this Ice Age Farmer broadcast, Christian breaks it down and explores what is going to happen next: a great awakening.

UK: vaccines have negative efficacy

Remember when Pfizer & Moderna got into a game of one-upmanship on vaccine efficacy? 90%, 94%, 94.5%? Turns out its negative 3,000% – 3x’s worse than unvaccinated.

God help us. Hyper inflation is here & it will devastate - Lior Gantz

Lior Gantz returns to SGT Report to warn Americans (and the world) about what is rapidly turning into hyper inflation. The price of gas, oil, iron ore, corn, wheat, soybeans, copper, palladium and nearly every single staple upon which we rely each day is soaring - hyper inflating. In fact, this week the price of nickel was up nearly 100% in a single day. What is now upon us is going to be absolutely devastating.