A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: pawns in the game

Explaining ACChain, Lynette Zang, crypto currency and the Mark of the Beast

In the last few weeks major events have unfolded around crypto currencies that clearly show that we are on our way to a New World Order One World Currency…and it’s digital. Some are saying that this is the Mark of the Beast System.

Signs include plans of the IMF to use a vehicle called the SDR that will be pegged to a digital currency using the ACChain quantum computing platform.  If you don’t understand what any of this means, that’s okay! This show is meant for beginners to the world of crypto currency. Tivon and Naima do a full breakdown explaining definitions and terms from top to bottom in a way we hope an average person can understand.

Daniel 7 perfectly describes what’s coming

We live in a time when the headlines coming out of the advancement of science and tech resembles nothing less than the crazy but colorful descriptions of end times events prophesied in the Bible. What many had dismissed as either gibberish, or at most, allegorical and metaphorical language, are now potential realities due to the unlocking of the human imagination with the computer and internet. These tools are pushing us ever so rapidly into creating, building, and what some tech leaders call “summoning,” a race of super-intelligent AI. The impact of these super-intelligent AI will be Biblical in proportion. So much so, that Jesus says unless He returns and intervenes, no flesh would be saved.