A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: part of the plan

Vatican secret societies, Jesuits and the new world order

This is an excellent documentary touching on the unknown history of the setting up of the American Colonies, and the influences of the Roman Catholic Church and the Jesuit order in the Establishment of the Sovereign Constitutional Republican Nation States of America. Much of this information will be new to many people who received a classic Government provided education. The truth has been modified by the Society of Jesus and the people indoctrinated via their state controlled and mandated education system.

Many faces of Rome

Many claims have been made that the Pope of Rome is the Antichrist, and that the Roman Catholic Church is an evil system of deception. The people that are making these claims are basing them on the authority of a variety prophetic descriptions found within the Bible. But, is their understanding of the prophecies of the Bible accurate concerning this issue?

Toxic Skies

Anne Heche stars as a World Health Organization Doctor who uncovers the real cause of an epidemic is the government's secret chem-trail program.

Note: Far from exposing dangerous truths, this movie is yet more pandemic/epidemic/forced quarantine lockdown programming.  That said, Anne Heche’s performance is great.  

Are smart cities interdimensional gateways?

In the last several years, the concept of Smart Cities have become very common in tech industry circles. What destabilised the post-modern paradigm into a digital or transcendent paradigm was through the works of professors like Nick Bostrom and his Simulation Theory. It caused everyone, including those in the scientific world to pause, and reconsider reality.

From the perspective of the Bible and Bible Prophecy, this all makes sense. But more importantly, it foretells of where this type of knowledge, and with it, the technology, is headed. The creation of a single world government is outlined by three beasts that finally merge into one (Daniel 7 & Rev 13).

Could these three beasts be the final three world wide corpora-national entities, run by technocrats who want to merge with the AI. And could what scientists suggest, with the discovery of Extraterrestrials, perhaps coming from inter-dimensional investigations rather than external, also gives rise to the concept of travelling to the inner dimensions of reality, the spiritual world that the Bible has spoken of all this time?

Will the opening of the Abyss in Revelation 9 cause a rip in the fabric of reality, so pervasive and destructive, that the only thing that will stop it, is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ? I have faith, that this is where everything is heading.