Posts for Tag: one world religion
Pope Francis is setting up the Revelation 13 one world religion
End times: this deception is dangerous
The truth is much deeper than you think
Anti-Christ set to appear in Third Temple?
Evidence the ‘Third Temple’ is being prepared and the implications of these talks in Jerusalem.
Demonic possession is real says psychiatrist
Ecumenism, false shepherds and doctrines of devils
The stage is set for Satan's great delusion (2021)
Is the Pentagon running a UFO psyop?
Clearly pilots and others are sincere in reporting anomalies, but why is only the US military having “close encounters”? Why not Russia, China or other countries? And, the space race competition between billionaires heats up.
The UFO conspiracy - truth: “aliens” are fallen angels
This documentary proves that what modern society has come to know as “aliens” and “UFOs” are actually ancient fallen angels / demons with an ancient malevolent agenda for mankind! Aired on the History Channel many times. The truth is not “out there” - it has been here the whole time!