A State Of Truth

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Posts for Tag: oil

Hidden History & Our Great Awakening - Matt, Cultivate Elevate

Matt Roeske is the incredibly insightful researcher and founder of Cultivate Elevate and he’s doing a remarkable job of bringing truth to the awakening masses worldwide regarding natural remedies, ElectroCulture, the electric universe, our hidden history, and much, much more. You’re going to love this one. Thanks for tuning in.

Hidden History: Suppressed Technologies and Murdered Inventors

Explore the untold stories of innovators whose ground-breaking ideas were stifled, shrouded in mystery, and left on the fringes of history. Discover the revolutionary Ogle Carburettor and its inventor Tom Ogle, who challenged fuel efficiency norms. Unravel the mysteries surrounding Royal Raymond Rife's Rife Machine, a claimed cancer-curing technology. Delve into Stanley Meyer's Water Fuel Cell and its controversial impact on alternative energy. Explore Thomas Townsend Brown's journey with anti-gravity technology and its elusive potential. Learn about Nikola Tesla's vision of free wireless energy with the Wardenclyffe Tower. Investigate Wilhelm Reich's Orgone Generator and its disputed role in alternative medicine. Uncover the story of John Frost's Avrocar, a unique venture in aviation history. Relive the ambitious but tragic tale of Valerian Abakovsky's AOW Wagon. Examine Harry Hoxsey's herbal cancer treatment and the ensuing medical controversy. Delve into the contentious debate over cold fusion by Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons.

Invisible empire: a new world order defined

In the tradition of his first Internet blockbuster, Loose Change, which has had over 100 million visits, Jason Bermas has created yet another outstanding documentary film, Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined.

This film documents very clearly that some of America’s most powerful elected officials, including all recent presidents, have been part of an international cabal to establish a socialist New World Order that would eradicate national sovereignty and many of the god-given freedoms vouchsafed in the Constitution of the United States, making all citizens mere slaves of the state.

It has an amazing collection of video footage of these leaders stating their unabashed ambitions to establishing this New World Order. It also shows just who is behind this international cabal and their nefarious intentions and true sinister nature. It is deeply troubling and very important.

Again, its relevance to Free Energy technology is two-fold.

First, these same forces are behind many of the instances of suppression of breakthrough free energy, which would empower the individual, contrary to the NWO agenda to enslave.

Second, the emergence of breakthrough free energy technologies will help unseat these criminals. It is a powerful antidote to the poison being administered.

Another point of relevance is that the film touches on the fact that Al Gore is one of the New World Order insiders helping to accomplish their objectives by politicizing climate change and using it as a reason to impose global carbon taxes; all while personally becoming super wealthy from his various involvements that include serious conflicts of interest.

He should not be seen as a hero figure in the free energy movement.

Genetically engineered trees - the increasing threat

Despite the severe warnings from scientists of the threat to wildlife, biodiversity and ecosystems, Canada continues to permit field tests of trans genetic forest trees. The fear is that these tests are just a prelude to the commercialization of GE trees, which could be catastrophic for the environment.

So far transgenic forest trees have only been marketed in China, but over 250 experimental releases of GE forest trees have been conducted worldwide. Canada has been field testing GE trees since 1997. The research is driven primarily by private business from developed nations, including some of the world’s largest pulp and paper companies.

Greenpeace is calling for a ban on the release of transgenic trees and, as an interim measure, recommends a global moratorium on commercial and large scale experimental releases. In a submission to the scientific body of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Greenpeace provides evidence of the significant ecological risks associated with transgenic forest trees, which are likely to prove unmanageable and irreversible.

One of the biggest threats is that GE forest trees will take over natural landscapes, irreversibly usurping the native vegetation upon which a whole array of other plants and animals depend. Although they are largely intended to be grown on plantations, it is naïve (and irresponsible) to think GE trees will be confined there. Trees typically produce a very large number of seeds, and while most of these seeds are usually deposited in close vicinity, smaller amounts can spread across very large distances. Wind and water also can carry seeds and pollen from trees across great distances, while birds, bats, and small animals help trees to conquer distant habitats. In this way, conifer seeds can travel dozens of kilometres and the seeds from pine trees - one of the most widespread and invasive species as well as one of the species subject to GE research - can be carried up to 30 kilometres by the wind. In particular, trees that have been intentionally or even unintentionally altered with genes to improve their fitness could become more invasive, taking over new habitat and destroying biodiversity and disrupting ecosystems.

The corporate counter to this problem of uncontrollable propagation poses an even bigger risk. GE terminator trees, designed to be sterile would mean no birds, no insects and no mammals that rely on those seeds, pollen and nectar for food. The impact on forest biodiversity would be catastrophic.

Trees also propagate from shoots, and because they breed relatively easily with related species, they would inevitably pass on their genes to wild relatives and transfer their transgenes to micro-organisms.

A number of varieties of transgenic forest trees have been developed to resist insects, including two species of poplar which have been commercialized in China. Although there are no studies of their potential effects on non-target organisms, the fact that they can be affected is apparent from experiences with annual crop plants. Similar effects have also been observed in the soil. GE crops can affect the bacteria, earthworms and soil respiration. Compared to annual crop plants, insect resistant trees offer scope for even more frightening scenarios. The leaves of GE trees planted along a river or the shore of a lake could easily enter the waterways with unforeseeable consequences for the aquatic life.