GTFOH Show with comedian Matt Billon takes an in-depth look into the Moon landing. Watch and laugh at just how ridiculous the thought of man going to the moon in the 60’s.actually is. Could man travel 240.000 miles away in 1969?
Posts for Tag: nasa
Why the Final Experiment isn't Our FInal Observation
The Flat Earth and the Sabbath - Bill Pinto
Citing an atheist scientist, a Christian scientist, and a Catholic astronomer, Brother Bill Pinto explains that if one interprets the Creation account of Genesis literally, then they have no choice but to become a flat-earth advocate.
This is highly problematic for Sabbath-keepers who claim to believe in the literal six-day account of Creation, yet seek to uphold the model of a spinning globe.
For if one believes that creation week spanned six-literal days, then shouldn’t they also take a literal approach to the description of what God made during those six days?
And since the Sabbath is the memorial of Creation, isn’t it crucial to have a correct understanding of what God Created, in order to have a complete appreciation and respect for the memorial ?
Shoot the Moon - Original Classic
1000's of hours filming the moon captures the Lunar Wave... A Ripple in Time. Looks like a few balloons also in the footage, or sorry, satellites.
A film by Jason Lindgren
Why the Lies? - David Weiss
David Weiss returns to SGT Report to help us digest the endless lies of the shadow government, from the Trump attempted assassination to the nature of this thing we live on, we live is a sea of lies.