A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: msm

The 100% Truth About cancer And Our Sick System - John Richardson

John Richardson is a very interesting guy. And so was his father who endured the tyranny and persecution of the feds because he was healing people with natural remedies. John’s family was close to G. Edward Griffin who wrote the seminal book ‘World Without Cancer’ in which he told the world the truth about vitamin B17 which you can get for yourself below. John joins SGT Report to discuss this and so much more. Thanks for tuning in!

Get the miracle of B17 for yourself HERE. Apply Your Discount Code at Checkout: SGTREPORT

The Dark Side of Smart Meters

In this invitational presentation to the San Francisco Tesla Society consulting engineer Rob States explains how PG&E’s so-called ‘smart’ meters work and why they endanger health and privacy. He asks the obvious question, “Why would you trust the company that brought you Prop. 16?”

The Approaching ‘Tidal Wave’ of Cancer

Many have abandoned the media’s desperate attempt to ignore why cancer rates are spiking. Now, the American Cancer Society is sounding the alarm, predicting an 80% increase in tumors by 2050. Meanwhile, independent researchers have stepped up and honed in on credible sources pointing to the mass COVID vaccine rollout in 2021 as the prime culprit.

German Government Admits There was No Pandemic - it was a Lie to Begin the Death Jab

Huge news out of Germany as the federal government have been forced to admit that so-called “conspiracy theorists” were right about everything during the COVID pandemic.

In fact, according to the German government data, there was no pandemic at all, just a tightly choreographed military grade psy-op to brainwash the masses into accepting an experimental vaccine with disastrous consequences.

These secret German government documents obtained via a Freedom of Information request and subsequent lawsuit have blown the lid of the global elite’s COVID lies and the it’s vitally important that as many people as possible are made aware of the truth.

As in the Days of Noah - Peter & Luke

Brothers and co-hosts of the Days of Noah podcast Peter and Luke join SGT Report to discuss the assault on Christianity and on our beloved Republic by the Godless ones who most certainly worship Lucifer. Thanks for tuning in.