A State Of Truth

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Posts for Tag: msm

An Open Secret

Watch bombshell documentary about Hollywood pedophile ring preying on child actors.

Dozens of women have accused Hollywood bigwig Harvey Weinstein of sexually harassing, assaulting, and raping them. But Weinstein is hardly the first Hollywood elite to commit such atrocities.

The entertainment industry has long been filled with sexual abusers.

The documentary An Open Secret explores the lives of child actors who were sexually abused by Hollywood elites.

Black conservatives under attack by liberals for daring to "wander off their plantation"


The one demographic that liberals hate more than white conservatives are black conservatives, whom they attack by calling them "Uncle Tom," or "Token blacks" or "Coons" for daring to speak out and promote an ideology to which liberals do not agree with. Part of the headline for this article comes from a comment I saw by the Communications Director for TPUSA, Candace Owens. Owens is a young, well spoken, African American woman, who is a conservative Trump supporter. As part of an ongoing discussion in relation to a school newspaper attacking students of color because they are conservative, by calling them a "token," Owens offered the perspective of a woman of color that is attacked daily because of her political ideology, where she states in part "Democrats have successfully trained their blacks to use racist terminology against any other blacks that wander off their plantation. @temiikudayisi, “Uncle Tom, Coon, and token” are terms created by masters to create allegiance amongst slaves." [Full article]

Chemtrails, HAARP & full spectrum dominance of planet Earth – Elana Freeland

We are entering a Space Age, but not the kind President Kennedy originally envisioned. This Space Age is replacing resource wars and redefines planet earth as a “battlespace” in accordance with the military doctrine of “Full-Spectrum Dominance.” This interview examines how chemtrails and ionospheric heaters like the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) in Alaska service a full-spectrum dominance.

This “Revolution in Military Affairs” needs an atmospheric medium to assure wireless access to the bodies and brains of anyone on Earth” from heat-seeking missiles to a form of mind control. How sinister are these technologies? Are we being prepared for a “global village” lockdown? The recent release of NSA records have reminded Americans that “eyes in the sky” are tracking us as supercomputers record the phone calls, e-mails, internet posts, and even the brain frequencies of millions. Elana M. Freeland’s sifts through the confusion surrounding chemtrails-versus-contrails and how extreme weather is being “geo-engineered” to enrich disaster capitalists and intimidate nations.

A deconstruction of Bernard J. Eastlund’s HAARP patent points to other covert agendas, such as a global smart grid infrastructure that enables access to every body and brain on Earth, a “transhumanist” future that erases lines between human and machine, and nano-biological hybrids armed with micro-processers that infest and harm human bodies. Is this what the fifth-generation wireless broadband technology, better known as 5G, is all about? To electrify our atmosphere? We also discussed the creation, mechanization, and steering of hurricanes as disaster capitalism thrives. Is weather scheduled or forecast?

A.I. takes over hospital jobs in London, implantable smart devices in soldiers, and growing organs (2018)

University College London Hospitals (UCLH) and the Alan Turing Institute aim to bring ‘game-changing’ benefits of artificial intelligence to NHS patients and replace some workers, The Guardian reported. The tasks traditionally performed by doctors and nurses, from diagnosing cancer on CT scans to deciding which A&E patients are seen first, will now be able to be conducted by A.I. [Full article]

5G kill cities: innovating depopulation

Words of warning about Rothschild, smart cities, UN Agenda 2030 and the 5G kill grid from Deborah Tavares. The evil is real, so is the conspiracy. Pass it on.