Posts for Tag: msm
Fake viruses - lethal 5G
An Open Secret
Dozens of women have accused Hollywood bigwig Harvey Weinstein of sexually harassing, assaulting, and raping them. But Weinstein is hardly the first Hollywood elite to commit such atrocities.
The entertainment industry has long been filled with sexual abusers.
Conspiracy theory? Politicians & corporations admit to paying actors to show fake support (2018)
In an age where most politicians have very little support for their campaigns and causes, they have been known to resort to desperate measures to improve their public image. While this practice is disregarded by some as a “conspiracy theory,” many politicians have been caught hiring actors to fill the crowds of their campaign speeches-corporations too. [Full article]
Black conservatives under attack by liberals for daring to "wander off their plantation"
Mary worship revealed - what does the Bible say about Mary?
A closer look at the firmament in the word
Chemtrails, HAARP & full spectrum dominance of planet Earth – Elana Freeland
A.I. takes over hospital jobs in London, implantable smart devices in soldiers, and growing organs (2018)
University College London Hospitals (UCLH) and the Alan Turing Institute aim to bring ‘game-changing’ benefits of artificial intelligence to NHS patients and replace some workers, The Guardian reported. The tasks traditionally performed by doctors and nurses, from diagnosing cancer on CT scans to deciding which A&E patients are seen first, will now be able to be conducted by A.I. [Full article]