A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: mrna

Dr. David Martin confirming mass genocide with CV-19 vaxx

What virus? Where is the proof? 

Here is a collection of Freedom of Information responses and court documents from over 120 institutions (including Public Health Agency of Canada, US CDC, NIAID, UK Depart of Health and Social Care, Indian Council of Medical Research) in >20 countries: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-around-the-world-have-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-purification/ 

Every challenged institution has failed to provided or cite even 1 record describing isolation/purification of the alleged "COVID-19 virus" from any patient sample, by anyone, anywhere, or proof of "its" existence.

No vax, no food, no fuel in India – food withheld to force vaccinations


Police won’t enforce the mandates! But they won’t need to, as groceries and fuel are being withheld from those who fail to get their shots in Aurangabad, India. As Henry Kissinger warned, “control food, and you control people.” 

Christian breaks down this development and the plan to incrementally restrict access to food and basic services everywhere. Protests aren’t helping; instead, build gardens, new healthcare, energy, and communications systems, and get off the toxic systems of control.

Belgian court declares CV-19 vaccine passports illegal & threatened to fine region who impose it

Belgian Court Declares COVID Vaccine Passports Illegal  Threatened To Fine Region Who Impose It

Recently, in a groundbreaking judgement the Belgian court declared COVID vaccine passport scheme straight out illegal and threatened to fine 5,000 euros per day to the regional government that insisted and imposed it.

Earlier, the French Senate rejacted a socialist senator’s proposal to make the COVID experimental vaccine mandatory for all citizens living in France. Non-compliance would trigger a fine of 135 euro (about $150 USD), and 1,500 euro for re-offenders.

Now, the Belgian court highlighted a number of legal issues with a recent vaccine passport order in Wallonia, which includes apparent violations of privacy rights. [Full article]

WEF warns: global warming to disrupt financial system, “freeze” bank accounts

In its latest predictive propaganda, the World Economic Forum asks, "What if extreme weather froze your bank account?" It is clear that deliberate interruptions to critical infrastructure are coming, and will be blamed on climate change in order to make the case that an imagined "climate disaster" requires carbon lockdowns and the totalitarian response for which the technocrats have been salivating for generations. Prepare for these disruptions - particularly to our food - now!