This video takes a brief look at education and schooling indoctrination and destruction of critical thinking to create a global consciousness and world culture in preparation for the coming one world government.
Posts for Tag: movies
A box of chocolates
The coming one world education system
Angelina Jolie admits attending illuminati sacrifice in leaked video
The troubled waters of evolution - Henry Morris
The Shining - occult Hollywood symbolism decoded
Psychological attack on the UK
We are in unprecedented times. Not because of the deadliest virus known to mankind, but because we have never been attacked with such ferocious psychological methods as is deliberately being done today by our UK and Scottish governments; measures to coerce us, manipulate us, to scare us, to shame us, and to make us shame other people for not following orders pertaining to COVID–19 measures. We have been warned previously by many who suffered totalitarian communism in Eastern Europe. We were warned for many decades that such a moment would come to the West if we were not vigilant enough; unfortunately, it seems that our watchfulness has failed and our liberty has been stolen. [Full article]
Mission: mind control
1979 ARC Identifier 37950, Local Identifier 170.110. Uncovering government agencies (especially the CIA) that secretly tested the effects of LSD on humans. Department of Justice. Drug Enforcement Administration. (07/01/1973 - )
The coming one world education system (it is already here)