Posts for Tag: money
The even older plan for world government you have never heard of
Joe Biden: the affirmative task before us is to create a new world order
Corporate America is mainstreaming Lucifer
Johns Hopkins University unmasks LGBT narrative - yet, what is agenda for public schools?
Vatican Roman law rules Washington D.C.
What are the three city states and do they rule the world?
The flag in Washington’s District of Columbia has 3 red stars, each symbolizing a city state within the three city empire. The three city empire consists of Washington D.C., London, and Vatican City. London is the corporate center of the three city states and controls the world economically. Washington’s District of Columbia city state is in charge of the military, and the Vatican offers spiritual guidance. The constitution of the district of Columbia operates under a tyrannical roman law known as lex fori, which in no way resembles the U.S. constitution.
When congress passed the act of 1871, it created a separate corporate government for the District of Columbia. This allowed the District of Columbia to operate as a corporation outside the constitution.
If you take a moment to study some signed treaties and charters between the United States and Britain, you will find that the United States has always been a British crowned Colony. In 1606, King James (yes, the King James who revised the bible) signed the charter of Virginia. The charter granted Americas British forefathers a license to settle and colonize America. The charter also guaranteed future kings and queens of England would have sovereign authority over all citizens and colonized land in America.
In 1783, the Paris peace treaty was signed. This treaty identifies the King of England as the prince of the United States contradicting the belief that America won the war of independence. And although King George III of England gave up most claims over his American colonies, he kept his right to continue receiving payments for his business ventures of colonizing America. If America won the war of independence, why would the agree to pay reparations to the king.
When the 13th amendment to the constitution was passed, the U.S. president was made subservient to the King of England. The 13th Amendment (the title of nobility amendment) forbids U.S. officials from using royal titles like king, or prince. For some strange reason though, the 13th amendment which was ratified in 1810 no longer appears in current copies of the U.S. constitution.
The war of independence against the British bankrupted America and turned its citizens into debt slaves of the king. In 1812, the British torched and burned the white house and all U.S. government buildings to the ground, destroying many ratification records of the U.S. constitution.
Then, nearly a century later, a corrupt U.S. congress committed the biggest theft in world history. They passed Paul Warburgs federal reserve act of 1913, handing over Americas gold and silver reserves (and total control of Americas economy) to the federal reserve bank. Most Americans still believe the FED is owned by the government, but it is not. The FED is a privately owned banking system whose majority class A shareholders include the Rothschild’s, Warburgs, J.P. Morgan, the Rockefeller’s and the Lehman brothers.
Most U.S. citizens believe the United States is a country and the president is its leader, but the U.S. is not a country, it is a corporation, and the president is not our leader, he is the president of the corporation of the U.S. The president, along his elected officials work for the corporation, not for the American People.
So, who owns the giant U.S. corporation? Like Canada and Australia, whose leaders are prime ministers of the queen, and whose land is called crowned land, the U.S. is just another crowned colony. Crowned colonies are controlled by the empire of the three city states. Thus, the U.S. is controlled by the three city states.
Let’s get into some symbolism. At the center of each city state are giant phallic shaped stone monuments called obelisks. In D.C. the obelisk is known as the Washington monument. It was dedicated to George Washington by the Freemason Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia. The secretive brotherhood of Freemasons laid the Washington obelisks cornerstone in 1848 and contributed 22 masonic memorial stones. 250 masonic lodges financed the Washington monument obelisk including the knights templar masonic order.
The school system
A quick lesson in social engineering
I will start this off by saying that I fully support the courageous people that are taking the initiative to stand up and create positive change in our world. With that being said I also know the importance of those courageous people having a knowledge about what they are taking part in.
The Occupy movement has done one thing, that cannot be argued against. It has shown us that the people (the masses) are becoming sick and tired of the corruption to a point, that they will no longer sit back and just take it any longer.
This is a trend that corporations and governments alike have been watching grow over the past decade. The preferred method for these entities to watch this growing discontent has been data mining operations.
Here is a brief excerpt on data mining.
“Personal finance reporter Erica Sandberg, who covered the issue of social media datamining in a story for, said that if a data mining company turns your chatter and network into a behavioral pattern, and if they can prove it has some worth, then it’s valuable to companies. Sandberg said this is just more information anyone can use to help them make a decision.
“I don’t think there’s anything scary about it,” she said. “Why wouldn’t they look at it? It’s public.” She said she is not aware of any specific examples of those who have been negatively impacted because of it.
Entities such as airlines, politicians, and even non-profits can use this data for finding new customers or targeting products to existing ones. Financial services companies such as banks and lenders are also using the same data mining services for marketing purposes and to make lending decisions. For instance, certain types of credit products, which fit your personality, could be marketed specifically to you.”
What this does not mention is that governments can buy that information, to form social engineering strategies to ensure that the public continues down a “desired” path. If the online activities show that the public is heading towards a revolution (which it has steadily been heading towards). Well I like to put myself in their mindsets.
To ensure control would you A: Roll out the totalitarian police state, or. B: Engineer that revolution.
Throughout history we can see that totalitarian dictatorships do not last for long. The people always rise up against them. The elites of this planet have more knowledge in this fact , than any of us. So we can rule that option out.
Through Social engineering they can steer any revolt into their desired outcome. Here is a brief explanation of social engineering:
“Extremely intensive social engineering campaigns occurred in countries with authoritarian governments. In the 1920s, the government of the Soviet Union embarked on a campaign to fundamentally alter the behavior and ideals of Soviet citizens, to replace the old social frameworks of Tsarist Russia with a new Soviet culture, to create the New Soviet man. The Soviets used newspapers, books, film, mass relocations, and even architectural design tactics to serve as “social condenser” and change personal values and private relationships. Similar examples are the Chinese “Great Leap Forward” and “Cultural Revolution” program and the Khmer Rouge’s plan of deurbanization of Cambodia. In Singapore, the government’s housing policies attempt to promote a mix of all races within each subsidized housing district in order to foster social cohesion and national loyalty while providing the citizens with affordable housing.
Non-authoritarian regimes tend to rely on more sustained social engineering campaigns that create more gradual, but ultimately far-reaching, change. Examples include the “War on Drugs” in the United States, the increasing reach of intellectual property rights and copyright, and the promotion of elections as a political tool. The campaign for promoting elections, which is by far the most successful of the three examples, has been in place for over two centuries. Social theorists of the Frankfurt School in Weimar Germany like Theodor Adorno had also observed the new phenomenon of mass culture and commented on its new manipulative power, when the rise of the Nazis drove them out of the country around 1930 (many of them became connected with the Institute for Social Research in the United States). The Nazis themselves were no strangers to the idea of influencing political attitudes and re-defining personal relationships. The Nazi propaganda machine under Joseph Goebbels was a synchronized, sophisticated and effective tool for creating public opinion.
In a similar vein the Greek military junta of 1967-1974 attempted to steer Greek public opinion not only by propaganda but also by inventing new words and slogans such as palaiokommatismos (old-partyism), Ellas Ellinon Christianon (Greece of Christian Greeks), and Ethnosotirios Epanastasis (nation-saving revolution, meaning coup d’état).
Social engineering can be used as a means to achieve a wide variety of different results, as illustrated by the different governments and other organizations that have employed it. The discussion of the possibilities for such manipulation became especially active following World War II, with the advent of television, and continuing discussion of techniques of social engineering, particularly in advertising, is still quite pertinent in the western model of consumer capitalism.”
In the above link you can also read about Karl Popper.
“Popper wrote: the piecemeal engineer will adopt the method of searching for, and fighting against, the greatest and most urgent evil of society, rather than searching for, and fighting for, its greatest ultimate good.”
Karl Popper fits into the occupy movements because he was the mentor of George Soros.
Here is a video (deleted) that breaks down Soros’ importance in this movement.
One of the main arguments that I have run into about the Soros connection is that ya maybe he did back it at first. But he is not funding any of the independent Occupy events in what is estimated to be in over 1 thousand cities across the globe.
This is very true, but it is also very true that he does not need to be funding them. Group think can be a very dangerous thing. When people are fed up with the state of society, it only takes a spark to create a sweeping and blazing fire! Being behind that initial spark ensures that you will know where the trends are leading and have the knowledge on how to profit/gain control/steer it.
Social engineering has been a method of control for centuries, but has seen a great deal of “fine tuning” since World War 2.
Two great films that highlight this: The Century Of The Self & Noam Chomsky Manufacturing Consent.
The main stream media has been on board with the social engineering programs for far too long now. But the difference with the occupy movement is that alternative media is being sucked into that abyss as well.
We all know the problems with our society, mainly because of alternative media. I hope that most have learned that there is a “shadow world government” that has been itching to introduce itself to the world.
In the majority of the occupy protests they are rallying against the corruption on Wall Street, which once again I cannot argue against. But they are not the true people in power!
The central banks and the fiat currency systems that we all live under holds the majority of the power and control over the mess that we are in. The crooks on Wall Street are crooks and deserve to be brought to justice do not get me wrong on that! But the change that the 99% want, will not come until the central banks of the world are gone.
Do not let the social engineers guide the people into larger government and more government control! Do not be socially engineered into believing that Wall Street is the main source of the elite corruption that we face!
by Terry Wilson