A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: military

Revelation of the method: for those with eyes to see - Owen Benjamin

Owen Benjamin returns to SGT Report for a conversation about good versus evil, the revelation of the method, the war against humanity, and his new documentary 'Building Beartaria'.

The revelation of the method is the way the elite program us to accept their control. By telling us what they will do before they do it, they create fear and paranoia. They also believe that because we have been told, we are accepting their chains that bind us.

Agenda 21 explained - John Anthony (2011)

This detailed presentation clearly explains the connection between sustainable development and Agenda 21 as defined by the UN. In depth research shows how Agenda 21 will ultimately compromise your property rights.

Regarding Ms. Bruntdland: Some have suggested she is merely a democrat and I am way off base. First off, Norway does not have a Democratic Party, but rather Socialist democrats. Hopefully there is a difference. Internet research can be a challenge, so I respect those who engage in it! However, check out the XX Congress of the Socialist International in NY. Gro was the first VP of the Socialist International whose goal is to interact with labour, social democrats and socialists worldwide to spread the socialist concept of democracy. It is quite possible to be member of the Democratic Party and a Socialist at the same time. It is members like Gro whose desire it is to move the Democratic party more toward the Social Democratic Party.

I also want to thank "6or8pack" for pointing out my error in mentioning that Betty Perry's nose was injured by handcuffs. In fact, she slipped during her interaction with officers and hit her nose on the steps. Betty was aware of local ordinances, but chose to ignore them. This landed her in the holding pen. This error is mine.

Some have suggested they have "read Agenda 21" and there is nothing dangerous in the book and besides, the document has no power to override their Constitutional right to own and control private property.

To read the book alone, without reading the preceding and following documentation and activities would be somewhat like looking at a map of Brazil and feeling you now know how Brazilians think and feel.

The name A21 refers not only to the actual book, but to the entire sustainable development movement as defined by the United Nations dating back to the 1970's through today. That is why it is important to not only listen to the entire video, but research on your own to gain more information. Since this presentation was completed vast new volumes of information have been compiled. Check the sources in the back of the presentation and the United Nation's own websites to draw your own conclusions. 

Presented 11/28/2011. Copyright 2011, John Anthony

"I ran drugs for Uncle Sam" - San Diego pilot Tosh Plumlee flew narcotics for contras and other warlords

Plumlee worked as a plumber for the Erling Rohde Plumbing Company in La Jolla Owner Mike Clancy made a deal with Plumlee when he hired him in 1985 As long as you finish the job youre on you can come and go

The DC-3 airplane, heavily guarded by uniformed Panamanian soldiers, sat on the far side of the jungle clearing at Penonome, 60 miles southwest of Panama City. Its cargo doors were wide open and chocked tight against the fuselage. The right engine idled slow and rough; the left engine was shut down for the loading operation. Soldiers in two Jeeps outfitted with .50-caliber machine guns guarded the pane fore and aft. One gunner trained his weapon on the loading crew; the other .50-cal was pointed at the cockpit and the unarmed American flight crew.

The pilot, Wayne Howard, stuck his head and left arm out of the cockpit window and waved a small white flag. The soldier in the Jeep waved back and gave a thumbs-up. A line of cargo handlers hurriedly stacked white plastic sacks on pallets; others inside the plane slid the heavy pallets forward and secured them for the 680-mile flight to Costa Rica. [Full article]

WiFi, microwaves and the consequences for our health


Those most powerfully affected are pregnant women, children, women generally, the elderly, men and (least of all) the physically fit. Some persons appear to be invulnerable to exposure, but a significant percentage–from 47.7% to 57.7%–appear to be especially vulnerable, even from most of us might have regarded as low doses that represent minimal risk. The situation, however, turns out to be quite the opposite. 

The human female is born with 400,000 follicles of which approximately 400 will eventually mature into eggs with the potential to be fertilized by sperm to produce a zygote, which will develop into an embryo and then into a fetus and, under favorable conditions, will result in a live birth. During the first 4-6 weeks of a woman’s pregnancy, the embryo is most vulnerable, especially because the woman may be unaware that she is pregnant and take no precautions.

Water wars: manufactured drought to cause food shortages and climate totalitarianism

The water wars have begun: the State is simply turning off the water to farms and ranches, depriving them of water needed to grow food and raise animals. This will create food shortages by design, in order to then point at the massive problem and declare, "It's global warming! We need climate lockdowns!

We must move to absolute zero carbon emissions! We have to take away private ownership of cars! You have to eat fake meat and move to post-animal economy! The story is the same across the nation, and indeed the world. But who is behind these water wars? Christian explores the WEF's "Global Water Initiative," an agenda to centralize and privatize control over the world's water supply, and how these engineered droughts are the linchpin in the climate agenda and the takeover of food.