A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: mega cities

Covid-19 does not exist for the rich - it is only for the poor shit munchers

Millionaire Andrew Tate confirms what we already knew - covid doesn't exist for the rich.

1a. Israeli doctor - Treating kids with vaccines is just "....CHILD SACRIFICE...." 2 billion dead conservatively. 

1b. Vaccines are Pre-Planned Mass Genocide - A Plan to Make Money. 

1c. Aussie bloke unloads on the Media - You're all traitors.

1d. Message to Lying Shitbags in Politics - YOUR TIME IS DONE! YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS.

1e. Just who is Kary Mullis. 

1. Patrick King Straight after court.

2. No Mandatory Vaccination Party Interview.

3. We will be living with CovidHoax for decades.

4. SouthPark Cartoon Parody from NSW. 

5. COVID has never been isolated, PROOF.

6. Reiner Fuellmich Update: We are starting to win in Courts. 

7. QLD Premier faked the vaccine shot on TV news report. 

8. UK Lawyer: Vaccines ARE NOT Medicines. 

9. UK Lawyer: Vaccines are not lawful nor are they legal.

10. COVID Hoax is falling apart.

11. HOLD Fast Australia.

12. Dr Roger Hodkinson - Covid is a pack of LIES.

13. Govt of Ireland Admits COVID does NOT exist! 

14. COVID is a Hoax Proven in Alberta.

15. Melbourne Protests send a clear message to All Australians.

16. NSW terrorise NSW family in their home. 

17. Sydney COVID ward hospital hell.

18. FANOStheVOICE and Max Igan Interview. 

19. Malcolm Roberts freedom speech. 

20. NSW Police madness: "Prove she's your wife or she will get a ticket". 

21. Do you Choose to say NO to a vaccine shot? If so why? 

22. Bild Magazine offers apology for spreading fear over COVID hoax.

23. Aussie man had a gutful over the COVID HOAX. 

24. Spineless Aussie Pollichickens serving globalist masters.

25. Walk outside Western Sydney during lockdown.... Risk being assaulted.

Bombshell: 45,000 US citizen dead from COVID-19 jab, 3rd and 4th boosters on the way


Dr. Jane Ruby reveals the plan for a third and fourth boosters being prepared for release as the push to inoculate every living being continues. 

A CDC whistleblower has signed a sworn affidavit confirming the numbers are being tampered with, and as many as 45,000 Americans are confirmed DEAD as a result of the shots being called ‘vaccines’. They also know how many have been injured and how. They are rolling out more vaccines in spite of this. It is as I have said premeditated murder. It is Genocide.

"It is a bioweapon" - Dr. Richard Fleming

Dr. Fleming also asserts that new research indicates that the genetic sequences that are in the Pfizer and Moderna jabs do not match the source code CoV-2 virus genome, but are spot on with the prion-like domain region which produces what the general public refers to as mad cow disease. This interview will chill you to the bone, please share it far and wide.

"The circles are where walkable cities and settlements will be by 2050 according to UN Agenda 21/30/50…watch the original “Hunger Games” again and pay attention to the settlements and rail lines as in the second picture. If you’ll note the rail hubs in Cali, you’ll see that’s where the massive fire was. The purpose of the fire was to clear the area for construction of the California portion of the rail system. I know where all the people will go do you? Where do you suppose the 325.7 million people will go? Please, re-blog and tell me what you think." - truthercatsky