A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: media

New World Order, Skull & Bones Secret Society, Masonry and 666 - Barry Smith

Barry Smith shares information he has discovered about the New World Order, secret societies like the Skull and Bones order and their involvement with a global one world government. He also goes onto suggest that the mark of the beast talked about in revelations is the introduction of the RFID chip, which is already in use in exclusive clubs in France and for detecting elderly residents in old folks homes. He also talks about world leaders who are currently involved in groups like Skull & Bones.

The Mystery of Missing Kate Middleton

The mystery of missing Kate Middleton, a brief timeline--ending with the recently photo-shopped photo of Kate and her family, posted for Mother's Day by Kensington Palace.

As in the Days of Noah - Peter & Luke

Brothers and co-hosts of the Days of Noah podcast Peter and Luke join SGT Report to discuss the assault on Christianity and on our beloved Republic by the Godless ones who most certainly worship Lucifer. Thanks for tuning in.

Grid Down Scenario: Hell on Earth - Dr. Jason Dean

The WEF continues to fear monger (or predictive program) us about an impending cyber attack which is one attack vector that could lead to a grid down scenario in the United States. And in a country where half the population doesn’t have $500 for an emergency, the majority of the population in not only unprepared for a worst case scenario, they will contribute to the problem when they panic and begin looting the cities. Dr. Jason Dean joins SGT Report to discuss.