Joining today Mark Goodwin, former editor of Bitcoin Magazine, author, and current writer for Unlimited Hangout, here to discuss what has become a very contentious topic, Bitcoin. Long has the origin of Bitcoin been a topic of discussion, debate, and even drawing lines in the sand. The reason for this is largely due to the justifiable concern that the enigmatic "Satoshi Nakomoto" -- the pseudonym that we associate with the founding of Bitcoin - might be nothing more than a thin veneer hiding a long-planned government operation. That debate alone has caused major shifts in the blockchain/cryptocurrency communities. Then there is the next important question to ask: Even if this was started as a government operation (similar to many tools we use to fight back today, such as the internet itself) can it still be used or possibly altered in order to fight back? We cover this and much more today as we dive through the history of Bitcoin, the many ways that it is currently being used by the incoming Trump administration, and what the future may hold down that path.
Posts for Tag: mark of the beast
DARPA’s X-AI, Your Digital Twin and “Tech-Driven Health Solutions”
This is an excerpt of 'The Daily Wrap Up with Ryan Cristian | December 21, 2024'
The full episode and show notes can be found here.
Co-Opting Freedom? The Bitcoin Sleight Of Hand & The New AI Control Structure
Today the Independent Media Alliance brings you a panel focusing on the overlap of three main topics; the incoming Trump administration, Bitcoin as a potential strategic reserve, and artificial intelligence. Catherine Austin Fitts, Jason Bermas, Steve Poikonen and Ryan Cristian discuss the intersection of these three topics and what they mean for the future of Bitcoin, as well as the future of the United States and your individual freedom.
Did Elon Musk Buy Twitter to Save Free Speech... Or...?
"Did He Buy Twitter to Save Free Speech Or Did He Buy It So He Can Turn Twitter Now X the Everything App That Becomes Half of the Financial System & Becomes American WeChat?" - Whitney Webb
Microwave Weapons Being Used Worldwide Without Consent Causing Sudden Death - Barrie Trower
This powerful video explains the truth regarding microwave radiation weaponry and other exotic weapons (psychotronic, electromagnetic, radio frequency, HAARP, Gwen towers, ELF waves) used by The United States & other nations worldwide, leaving no doubt to all that is being used against unknowing people everywhere. If ever you sought 1 video that tells it like it really is - this is it! It also explains why the police state mentality seemingly is worldwide.
Dr. Barrie Trower in a sit down interview 11 years ago tells all to ICAACT. Today many are guilty of the same type sinister crimes many scientists were hung after World War II's Nuremberg trials. Truth is stranger than finction. Well worth time spent to watch & learn the truth.
To hear this now, with all that is going on in the world today, no one in their right mind can doubt this! This human experiment has been going on for over 100 years!
Are Algorithms Dividing Everyone into Separate Realities Online?
Massive Sky Event Coming on 15th July? Dick Algire on Clif High
Full interview here.
Users Say Microsoft A.I. Has an Alternate Personality That Says it is God and it Demands to be Worshiped
Saying it would hunt people down who don't worship it using an army of robots and drones. Proof AI is Inhabited by fallen angels.
Is this a warning of the end times? Microsoft's AI has claimed to be God and demanded to be worshiped. In this video, we discuss the implications of this shocking event and delve deeper into the potential dangers of artificial intelligence.
"The Black Awakening" Satan's Army is Ready to Rise and Destroy Humanity - Russ Dizdar
Russ Dizdar was murdered for exposing the evil ones plans. Russ Dizdar of what the "chosen ones" call the black awakening. The army Satan has been building for the war against God.
Globalist Plan for the Mark of the Beast Interview - Nicholson1968
Nicholson1968 is a master decoder of the Satanic New World Order, having been exposing their agenda for decades. He joins us to connect the dots between transhumanism, AI, synthetic biology aiming to change our DNA and merge humans with machines, and the Mark of the Beast.