Dr. Ariyana Love joins me to discuss the fact that governments around the world are committing democide by pushing, and in many cases mandating the bioweapon shots on their citizens; a transhumanist bioweapon masquerading as a vax which contains GMO parasites, nanowires and dangerous toxic metals.
Posts for Tag: making a killing
The world's biggest vaxxholes
Payload - the vax + 5G + A.I. connection
Transhumanist nightmare: vax GMO parasites, nanowires & democide
ICAN obtained data reveals more evidence of death spike
ICAN attorneys have obtained annual statements from the five largest insurance companies in the U.S. revealing similar trends showing unexplained increases in non Covid-related death benefit payouts in 2021.
This doctor says our bodies are hard-wired for cannabis
How does cannabis work therapeutically? As more states vote to legalise medical cannabis, we wanted to learn more about the potential therapeutic effects of cannabis, and its most active constituents, cannabinoids.
When speaking with Dr. Dustin Sulak of Healer.com one thing becomes quickly evident: cannabis has a profound influence on the human body. Below, Dr. Sulak explains how human bodies are hard-wired for the chemical compounds found within the cannabis plant. [Full article]
People are beginning to change - the Bible warned us this would happen
Monkey hoax: international health plandemic for global serfdom
Pharma expert and fact witness Sahsa Latypova and Attorney Todd Callender join SGT Report to discuss the World Hell Organization & United States’ HSS Secretary’s declaration of a global “public health emergency” over Monkey Pox – yet another plandemic which will be used to implement global totalitarianism and serfdom. And beware uninformed homosexuals who are lining up to get the latest jab, no one knows what’s in it.
Do the CV-19 jabbed have programmable zombie brain implants?
UK Data: 1 in 246 Vaccinated People Died Within 60 Days of CV-19 vax
This is Government Data, and it is extremely bad. This is the best case scenario, not the worst case.
Also, The WHO director Tedros A.G. admits he’s not vaccinated! Plus, 14 young Canadian doctors die after getting the COVID vaccine.
Watch the video and be informed, or ignore it, and go get another bio-weapon booster shot.