Posts for Tag: mainstream
Cui bono? Who benefits?
Hollywood Unmasked
We just entered a black hole - Lynnette Zang
Lynnette Zang joins SGT Report to discuss the monetary and fiscal black hole we just entered and from which there is no escape.
The purpose of disruption
Indictment connections: Clintons, Pope, elite and what are they up to in South Africa?
The CIA doctors - psychiatry and mind control
Psychiatrist Colin Ross, author of “The CIA Doctors” and “Military Mind Control” describes the longstanding relationship between intelligence agencies, the military, psychiatry and psychology in Mind Control experiments on unwitting subjects, including use of LSD, psychiatric drugs, radiation, brain electrode implants, hypnosis, verified through government documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
The naughty list
Are we mice or men?
Lockdown: UK police create website for public to inform on neighbours
A local police force in the United Kingdom has established an online portal for members of the public to inform on people suspected of breaking national lockdown measures. [Read more]