A State Of Truth

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Posts for Tag: lobotomised zombies

The Approaching ‘Tidal Wave’ of Cancer

Many have abandoned the media’s desperate attempt to ignore why cancer rates are spiking. Now, the American Cancer Society is sounding the alarm, predicting an 80% increase in tumors by 2050. Meanwhile, independent researchers have stepped up and honed in on credible sources pointing to the mass COVID vaccine rollout in 2021 as the prime culprit.

Vax Lobotomised Zombies - Dr. Diane Kazer

Dr. Diane Kazer returns to SGT Report with a personal story about how the mRNA experimental vax has forever altered a family member’s personality and changed that person into a cold, Zombie-like shell of their former self… and then we quantify why this is happening to many vaxxed people, with the data and science.