A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: libtards

Normal women push back against FemiNazis - when harmless humour becomes a punishable offence, non-radical women must speak up


Normal women have got to start pushing back against the FemiNazis in #MeToo era, because if a man does it they are accused of everything from misogyny to sexism, even when they are 100 percent spot on, so we must stand by their side.

The attacks on men these days for just about anything they say or do has just hit the height of absurdity, when a male political theory professor at King’s College London,  Ned Lebow, while attending an annual meeting of the International Studies Association (ISA), entered an elevator with other men and women, one of which was Professor Simona Sharoni, a professor of women’s and gender studies at Merrimack College in Massachusetts and a feminist activist, and when someone asked what floor he needed, he joked "ladies’ lingerie" department. [Full article]

They are all radicals at this point - "everything that is wrong with modern day feminism right here"


By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

Let me start by saying as a woman, to me, modern day feminists aka radical feminists makes absolutely no sense. None. Zilch. Zip!

They protest the "rape culture" by proudly marching half naked, topless, with the word SLUT written on their bodies, yet if a male happens to look at those "assets" they are displaying, it is sexual harassment. Oh, and whatever happened to public indecency laws, re: indecent exposure and lewd conduct, or don't they apply to feminists? What happened to equality to be prosecuted the same as if a man ran around without pants or underwear? [Full article]

Former Marxist speaks out on the death of free speech

Broadcaster Claire Fox, director of the Academy of Ideas, is one of James’s doughtiest comrades in the Culture Wars. Oddly, she’s also a self-confessed leftist – formerly of the Marxist Revolutionary Party. But on free speech they are in total agreement.