A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: hiding God

Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Eric Dubay

“Let me begin this interview by stating that I have no attachment to the flat earth. I have no attachment to the oblate spheroid, and even to the sphere. If our home is any of these, so be it. I wouldn’t be surprised of any. What I continue to be surprised and suspicious of are the people who continue attacking those who simply ask questions. I recently attended a conference that deals with the most open minded topics you could possibly imagine. However, when it comes to the flat earth topic, it was a no no. Look, I can’t say I blame people for thinking this is the most absurd topic under the sun, or the firmament, rather, but you, open minded people who discuss aliens, UFOs, reptilians who rule the world, Bigfoot, and the rest of it, why do you continue telling people to stop looking into the flat earth? Those of you who study the pyramids and ancient civilizations, you venerate these ancient ones, and rightfully so, and some of these very ancient ones believed the earth was flat. Why do you then continue looking into their achievements if the notion of a flat earth is so absurd? Shouldn’t that discredit them too? And those of you who continue writing to me saying the ancient ones knew they lived on a sphere, how did they know? Perhaps they had advanced technology that allowed seeing the skies above. Just because you see sphere above you doesn’t prove you are standing on one. You can still play pool on a flat table and basketball on a flat court. Perhaps the psyop is questioning those who question the true shape of our plane(t).”-  Mel Fabregas

Bill Cooper's presentation on 9/11, CFR and Illuminati satanic agenda

This is a short yet important video presenting Bill Cooper’s 9/11 prediction, rare 9/11 footage and audio from his book “Behold a Pale Horse” and the Illuminati agenda. Bill Cooper was one of the top conspiracy researchers, he was active on exposing the secret government and most importantly the satanic agenda which is tied in with the UFO hoax.

Theistic evolution vs. the sabbath by Bill Pinto

Theistic evolution is not only the official position of the Catholic Church, but it is also taught at the majority of Protestant seminaries. For some, this is outright bewildering. How did an evolutionary theory become so widely accepted throughout Christianity? In reality, the cause is not so hard to find. 

As the famed theologian Rudolf Bultmann put it, modern science “has destroyed the old creation stories”. Astronomical ideas such as the Big Bang theory have served to counter the literal interpretation of Scripture more than any other factor. Yet these theories — which society at large regards as fact — are utterly incompatible with the Genesis portrayal of a literal six-day creation, taking place approximately 6000 years ago. So what is the globe-believing Sabbath-keeper to make of this blatant contradiction? 

He who has ever been a steadfast defender of a literal 6-day creation, is now confounded by the findings of modern science concerning the age and origin of this Earth, and must either conclude that such science is false, or submit to the oxymoronic notion of theistic evolution. The latter is surely a far cry from the Sabbath-keeper’s mind. Yet can he honestly accept only part of the science he otherwise admires, and similarly, accept only a part of the Bible? Can he honestly dismiss the fact that the sun, moon, and stars were created on day 4, and were placed inside the firmament which God created to divide the waters above from the waters below? For the True Christian, the claims of science need not be met half-way. For in the first chapter of the Bible, the entire heliocentric model collapses.

Mysterious figure caught in Russian cosmonaut’s helmet in “outer space”

There are a number of strange anomalies regarding different space agencies. One of the less known examples is a reflection of what looks like a scuba diver in a Russian cosmonauts helmet. There are also anomalies in regards to official pictures recorded by NASA of the moon passing Earth. But perhaps one of the most strangest examples is from the European Space Agency where in a live stream the planet earth disappears.

Wall Street & Bolshevik revolution - Anthony C. Sutton

A brilliant interview with one of the greatest researchers ever, Professor Antony Sutton, the author of Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution and Wall Street and The Rise of Hitler, where he shows how bankers, businessmen and politicians in the west supported and financed both the communist and the Nazis, all according to their Hegelian dialectic plan for world control.

Tom Horn on transhumanism

In recent years, astonishing technological developments have pushed the frontiers of humanity toward far-reaching morphological transformation that promises in the very near future to redefine what it means to be human. An international, intellectual, and fast-growing cultural movement known as transhumanism intends the use of genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnology (Grin technologies) as tools that will radically redesign our minds, our memories, our physiology, our offspring, and even perhaps as Joel Garreau in his best-selling book, Radical Evolution, claims our very souls. The technological, cultural, and metaphysical shift now underway unapologetically forecasts a future dominated by this new species of unrecognizably superior humans, and applications under study now to make this dream a reality are being funded by thousands of government and private research facilities around the world. As the reader will learn, this includes, among other things, rewriting human DNA and combining humans with beasts, a fact that some university studies and transhumanists believe will not only alter our bodies and souls but ultimately could open a door to contact with unseen intelligence.

As a result, new modes of perception between things visible and invisible are expected to challenge the church in ways that are historically and theologically unprecedented. Without comprehending what is quickly approaching in related disciplines of research and development, vast numbers of believers could be paralyzed by the most fantastic and most far-reaching supernatural implications. The destiny of each individual-as well as the future of their families will depend on knowledge of the new paradigm and the preparedness to face it head on.

As outlined in this book, the power operating behind this scheme to integrate human-animal-machine interfaces in order to reengineer humanity is not new. The ancient, malevolent force is simply repackaging itself these days as the forward-thinking and enlightened progress needed for the next step in human evolution.

Facing godlike machines and man’s willingness to cross over species and extradimensional barriers put in place by God, traditional methods of spiritual warfare-which Christian institutions have relied on for the last century will soon be monumentally impacted in non-traditional ways and insufficient when approaching this threshold.

Yet it is possible, according to Forbidden Gates, not only to survive but to triumph over the uncanny challenges the impending epoch will present. Overcomers will prevail through a working knowledge of the philosophy and technologies driving the threats, combined with a solid understanding of the authority that Christians alone have. What continues within these pages will lift the curtain on a world unlike previous generations could have expected or even imagined, and will inform believers how the power of Christ can be amplified against heretofore unknown adversarial manifestations.