They've created motherless, fatherless rats, monkeys and humans from stem cells but they can't bring them to life. Could this be why?
Posts for Tag: heaven
Synthetic Humans and the Nephesh
The Next Million Years - Global Elite Text in 10 Minutes - Jay Dyer
Today's key text in 10 minutes comes from Charles Galton Darwin, his important work promoting the Darwinian ethos as projected into the next million years - yes, million. This book is Brave New World on steroids.
What is Biblical Cosmology?
What do we mean by 'Biblical Cosmology'? Scripture describes our earth, its face, its pillars, and the firmament. If we were able to behold these descriptions, what would it look like? What is above it, below it, and all around it? This video shows us a view of Biblical cosmology, faithful to Scripture.
Detransitioners warnings: they are going through living hell
And they are doing this to young children. The sick bastards doing this to children need to be tossed into a pit of fire.
EU: jail for talking about Christian conversion
LGBT are "shock troops" of building Christian persecution. The first, but not last, country in EU to criminalize discussion of "conversion therapy" has charged former homosexual Christian for talking about his conversion. Watch what he has to say: No, therapy - just Christ.
Emerging church roots and origins
An examination on popular Christian pastors and what they are preaching. Should you sacrifice doctrine for the sake of church growth and how many ministers are treating their churches as if it was a secular business with profit the end game.
Joel Osteen, Paula White, and the prosperity gospel - John MacArthur
I do not endorse John MacArthur because he himself is in a bag with the whore of Babylon - Vatican. Nevertheless, the expose is spot on.
Beyonce beyond evil exposed - she is a demonic witch, her former drummer spills the beans
Beyonce Mass? “Bringing together secular music and a religious message”. What religion I wonder? It was not good I can promise you. A secular or worldly message. What message could this possibly be….from this world? The world of the devil. Sing praises to the goddess herself? More like devil worship. How were they allowed to defile a church like that? Of course this was in the hell hole of San Francisco. This church has been converted and perverted into anything but a religious place.
Mel Gibson on the dark & satanic side of Hollyweird (taken from 1999 interview)
Across the street on 5th Avenue is the St. Regis hotel...between both of these hotels all major players of Hollywierd and Wall Street stay. The Top of the 666 is now a private club $15,000 a year membership for those with plenty of money including Archbishop Timothy Dolan where he goes to smoke his real Cuban cigars and mingle with all the power brokers that run NY.
Within 1 block you have all the expensive restaurants that cater to these cockroaches...many with secret basements...very expensive so only them are able to afford to get in and have their meetings. The Hollywierd crowd can be seen dinning in these very expensive restaurants where they do their deals with their handlers.
Speaking of cockroaches, CharLIE Ward is having a meeting of the minds tour with the same usual suspects in May.