A 3D animated short film about not too distant but a dystopian future. It speculates on the potential consequences of the infamous Great Reset, medical tyranny, woke culture, and green agenda. Everything, that World Economic Forum (WEF) is planning for humanity.
Posts for Tag: gospel
Harvard study: demons in graphene = low frequency plasmon study
How Satan secretly mocks Christ in TV & movies (2023)
EU: jail for talking about Christian conversion
LGBT are "shock troops" of building Christian persecution. The first, but not last, country in EU to criminalize discussion of "conversion therapy" has charged former homosexual Christian for talking about his conversion. Watch what he has to say: No, therapy - just Christ.
They prey on & harvest human energy - Dr. Len Horowitz
Dr. Len Horowitz returns to SGT Report to expose the old money powers which have preyed on human beings by harvesting human energy (and more) for centuries.
Emerging church roots and origins
An examination on popular Christian pastors and what they are preaching. Should you sacrifice doctrine for the sake of church growth and how many ministers are treating their churches as if it was a secular business with profit the end game.
The Veil is Lifting on the Final Beast System (2023)
Joel Osteen, Paula White, and the prosperity gospel - John MacArthur
I do not endorse John MacArthur because he himself is in a bag with the whore of Babylon - Vatican. Nevertheless, the expose is spot on.
Beyonce beyond evil exposed - she is a demonic witch, her former drummer spills the beans
Beyonce Mass? “Bringing together secular music and a religious message”. What religion I wonder? It was not good I can promise you. A secular or worldly message. What message could this possibly be….from this world? The world of the devil. Sing praises to the goddess herself? More like devil worship. How were they allowed to defile a church like that? Of course this was in the hell hole of San Francisco. This church has been converted and perverted into anything but a religious place.