Strange sky and weather phenomenon, disappearing art collections in museums, extreme food inflation and countries beginning to grab resources beyond normal levels. What does this signal for 2024?
Posts for Tag: globalism
Wake Up Call - Bill Cooper
What About UFOs has Tucker Too Terrified to Cover it?
Tucker Carlson and Clayton Morris are extremely concerned about UFO disclosure and the government’s involvement in the esoteric subject. From MH370 to the fallen angels of Genesis 6, Dustin Nemos joins SGT Report to discuss hidden technologies, vanishing passenger planes, and much more.
World's Most Advanced A.I. Says Nasa's Moon Photos are Fake - Bart Sibrel
Google AI Knows NASA Faked it & Other True Woo - Dustin Nemos
The satanic new world order’s biggest lies are all being revealed, one by one. From NASA’s faked moon missions, to Pizzagate and deep state secret technologies – the darkness is being brought to light. Dustin Nemos joins me to discuss.
Top Down Surveillance is Already Here
Thales, military, & Musk: your digital prison wardens. Stop feeding the beast.
The Hidden Truth About Antarctica - Dustin Nemos
Dustin Nemos returns to SGT Report with the truth about the nature of our reality and what they are hiding from us about Antarctica.
Bible Verses That Say Earth is Moving? There are Several...
Demolishing the W.H.O. & Global Inc. - James Roguski
James Roguski returns to SGT Report with this emergency update about the total takeover of US sovereignty by the Mr. Global and the W.H.O.
£15,000 Fine or 1 Year in Prison for Failure to Comply With Net Zero Home Policy
Highly lucrative also gives energy providers access to smart appliances and control of how much energy we are allowed via load control system smart meters.
Reuploaded from Melissa Ciummei -