Posts for Tag: freemason
Charlotte Iserbyt: the deliberate dumping down of the world
History of the Eugenics Movement
Albert Rivera interview; exposing The Vatican, Jesuits & NWO
Former Catholic priest Albert Rivera exposed the Vatican’s Jesuit priesthood and paid for the actions with his life.
Codex Alimentarius threat - interview with Ian Crane
Never heard of Codex Alimentarius? That's exactly what they want! The UN plan to eradicate organic farming & to destroy the natural health industry.
With biting political analysis, Ian R. Crane probes the track record of those who openly crave the introduction of a one world hierarchical government. He exposes the agenda of those who have presided over events leading directly to the launching of the illegal wars in Afghanistan & Iraq and who continually demonstrate their desire to perpetuate a state of permanent global conflict; whilst systematically eroding personal freedom, through the process of gradualism.
The truth about V for Vendetta mask
The coming one world education system
Billy Graham and Pat Robertson in the brotherhood
Billy Graham: forerunner to Antichrist (2018)
This message and expose of Billy Graham and his wicked apostasy, heresies, and utter deception is by Pastor Gregory A. Miller of Bible Believer's Fellowship of Worthington, Ohio.