Original Article with references: http://www.fluoridealert.org/phosphate/overview.htm
Silicofluoride Filtration options: Gravity type (make sure to get the pf-2 fluoride filter) http://www.freedrinkingwater.com/
Original Article with references: http://www.fluoridealert.org/phosphate/overview.htm
Silicofluoride Filtration options: Gravity type (make sure to get the pf-2 fluoride filter) http://www.freedrinkingwater.com/
Remainder of the list.
Dr. H.J. Roberts:
“Aspartame is an artificial sweetener, an additive. And it is a chemical, it is not a natural product. The molecule is made up of three components, two are amino acids the so called building blocks of protein. One is called Phenylalanine, which is about 50% of the molecule, and the other is Aspartic acid, which is like 40% of the molecule. The other 10% is a so called Methyl ester, which as soon it is swallowed, becomes free methyl alcohol, Methanol with alcohol. Which is a poison, a real poison.”“We are developing a society because of all these different toxins, known to affect brain functions. We see in our society not only has a lot more people of lower IQ, but a lot fewer people of higher IQ. In other words a dumbing down, a chemical dumbing down of society. So everyone is sort of mediocre, that leaves them dependent on government, because they can't excel. We have these people of lower IQ who are totally dependent, and we have this mass of people who believes anything whatever they are told, because they cant really think clearly. And very few people of very high IQ, have good cognitive functions, who could figure this all out, and that's what they want.”
It’s not in their best interest to do so. Healthcare is a “for profit business”, not a humanitarian effort to keep people healthy!
A number of varieties of transgenic forest trees have been developed to resist insects, including two species of poplar which have been commercialized in China. Although there are no studies of their potential effects on non-target organisms, the fact that they can be affected is apparent from experiences with annual crop plants. Similar effects have also been observed in the soil. GE crops can affect the bacteria, earthworms and soil respiration. Compared to annual crop plants, insect resistant trees offer scope for even more frightening scenarios. The leaves of GE trees planted along a river or the shore of a lake could easily enter the waterways with unforeseeable consequences for the aquatic life.
The amount of toxins we likely ingest on a daily basis is staggering. Their harmful effects are known to the establishment, yet not only are we not adequately warned about them, we are told they are safe. There are actually laws that allow food producers to add chemicals to our food - upwards of 17,000 of them - without telling us, because these additives are toxic and, were we to know they were in our food, it would affect the corporation's bottom line. Since they are not required to tell us what these additives are, I can only speak to what is known for fact. Without even scratching the surface, these are the worst, and their effects on the human mind and body. [Full article]