A State Of Truth

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Posts for Tag: food irradiation

Paul Anthony Taylor on the danger to health freedom from the Codex Alimentarius project

Informative and detailed presentation from Paul Anthony Taylor, Director of the Dr. Rath Health Foundation, on the grave dangers to health freedom and health choice of the UN's Codex Alimentarius project, run by way of the Codex Alimentarius Commission through the FAO and WHO. Focusing on their Guidelines on Vitamins and Minerals, Paul Taylor describes how vague definitions, demands for limiting amounts and requiring arbitrarily-decided RDAs - recommended daily amount - plus examining vitamins as if they are drugs, studying toxicity, and exempting countries who classify vitamins as drugs impact on health freedom choices on vitamins and minerals.

Since the standards relate to world trade rules and international law, the ways in which companies manufacturing and selling vitamins and mineral supplements across borders will be impacted.

A little-known subject, Paul Taylor recommends that everyone concerned about bodily autonomy and maintaining health freedom get more informed on this subject so they can act in the right ways in their own arenas of expertise to preserve health freedom for all, and take steps also to protect their own health.

Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 for lower living standards

Rosa Koire on Radio Liberty talks about the goals of Agenda 21. In disguise of sustainable development our Western living standards will be lowered. Forget about the future free energy and having a flying car, if you ask the UN. United Nations is after your car and your toilet. This is eco fascism where you and your style of living is seen as a threat for the earth.