A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: flu

Final warning to humanity from former Pfizer chief scientist Michael Yeadon


A very worried man giving you his professional assessment on the lies and deceit being played upon us by a very nefarious network of people. The Covid hoax is far more heinous a crime than any other that has ever been committed on the human race in history. Stand up soon, or we will all be in the firing line.

Powerful profile of a flu vaccine victim

Barbara Loe Fisher, President of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a non-profit charity she co-founded with parents of DPT vaccine injured children in 1982 speaks about powerful profile of pertussis vaccine injury in many families.

mRNA vaccine inventor calls for stop of COVID vaccine

Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA vaccine, sits down with Del to give his honest concerns about why this is the wrong technology to use against Covid-19 and, in particular, the extreme danger it poses to young people.

Vitamin D kills the flu virus

So why are they spraying chemtrails or chemical contrails which block out natural sunlight? WHY are they doing this? If the World Health Organisation were so concerned about the swine flu pandemic they would be aware that natural sunlight is a very good source for the body to make vitamin D and would be concerned about the artificial cloud covering which is being created by aircraft now worldwide. My first videos in April 2009 started with the heavy chemtrail spraying in my area showing blue skies turn a hazy white blocking out the sun for the rest of the day. I know from users who contact me that there is a 24/7 campaign of chemical spraying in the atmosphere in the USA. From my research I found that chemicals could be added to aviation fuel. Please see my video: Chemtrails chemicals added to aviation fuel. Government document now online. For the DEFRA documents.

DEFRA says chemicals added to aviation fuel can be a cost effective way to spray a so-called protective screen as to block out the suns rays and reduce global warming. This however would have an opposite effect. Please look up Global Dimming and the Hydrological Cycle on net, but is this really about protecting the earth or is it about stopping you receiving natural sunlight and making vitamin D?

Vitamin D is important for helping the immune system fight the flu virus. One reason why the flu may be more contagious in the winter time is because of the lack of sunlight. The lack of sunlight prevents our skin from producing sufficient levels of vitamin D. There is now documented evidence about the roles of solar ultraviolet-B radiation and vitamin D in reducing case-fatality rates from the 1918-1918 influenza pandemic in EU.

I quote: There are two mechanisms whereby vitamin D can reduce the risk of death once the pandemic influenza virus infection took hold: reduced production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and reduced risk of bacterial pneumonia.

The type of vitamin D which can fight viruses can only be made from natural sunlight. It is known as D3, which is made from sunlight when 7-dihydro-cholesterol in our skin reacts with UV light.

I quote: It is then twice activated in the liver and kidney to make 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D. This attaches to receptors on genes that control their expression, which turn protein production on or off. Vitamin D regulates the expression of more than 1,000 genes throughout the body. They include genes in macrophages, cells in the immune system that, among other things, attack and destroy vitamins.

Which mean the vaccination doesn’t work so well as a unsuppressed immune response is needed to build up anti-bodies and immunity to that particular vaccine. So another reason to block out the natural sunlight.

If our governments were so concerned about the swine flu surely they would put a stop to these climate change experiments which blocks out everyone's natural sunlight. The fact that they or the media will not even report on the chemtrails happening above us only leads me to be more suspicious of what the chemical spraying is really about.

Their poisons = our menu from the elites

This is a short clip from the interview published on Jul 28, 2015 (now removed), listen to it and spread the word, this thing needs to go viral, everyone needs to know what they’re doing to us.

This is depopulation 101 – adding poison to vaccines and forcing every parent to have his kid vaccinated as a condition for attending school. These are their ‘slow kill’ methods and I must say they’re working. More and more children are being diagnosed with autism and cancer and we’re being fooled into believing it’s all caused by pollution, unhealthy diets, and the modern way of life.

Dr. Ted Broer was willing to go public with what he’s discovered on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report but they were having difficulties getting their show on air. For an hour they couldn’t resolve the issue, every time they did the line kept disconnecting and their servers were eventually brought down. They finally managed to get him on a secure line and the first thing Dr.Broer said was “I am not suicidal”. He kept pointing this out in case if someone tried to take him out and make it look like a suicide. He was scared that he won’t be able to tell his story and inform the general public but luckily for us he did.

Lemon and baking soda combination saves lives


The combination of lemon and baking soda has 10 000 times more stronger effect than chemotherapy!

Why was this fact kept as a secret?

Being totally aware of the powerful properties lemon provides is completely opposite to the interest some world organizations have. For that reason, we recommend you share this article and help a friend who needs it!

Do you have any idea of the recent number of deaths because this secret was jealously kept in order to protect large corporations?

Numerous studies have proven the anti-cancer properties of lemon. Lemon also provides other benefits, including its strong power in treating cyst and tumors.

Lemons have the power to cure cancer, since it has been tested on all cancer types. Adding baking soda makes it even more powerful, because baking soda brings pH to normal level.

Lemon also has potent antimicrobial effect in treating bacterial and fungal infections. It is effective in the fight against internal parasites and it regulates blood pressure. Lemon is beneficial for the nervous system as well – it is a powerful antidepressant, reducing stress and calming nerve crises.

One of the largest drug manufacturers claims that 20 laboratory experiments, conducted since 1970 until recently, proved that:

Lemon destroys cancer cells in 12 cancer types. It prevents metastasis of cancer cells and it is 10 000 stronger than drugs like Adriamycin, chemotherapy and narcotic products.

What is more interesting is the fact that the combination of lemon extract and baking soda destroys cancer cells only, without harming healthy cells and tissues.

The experiments have shown that patients diagnosed with cancer should drink lemon juice and a teaspoon of baking soda. This treatment can not cure the disastrous side effects of chemotherapy.

The best way to be sure that lemons are organic without any chemicals used is to grow this fruit in your own garden or in a pot. Organic lemons are 100 times more efficient than lemons cultivated with chemical fertilizers and treated with chemicals.

Testimonies on Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) by Dr. Sircus

The following testimonies from the bicarbonate book highlight bicarbonate’s use as a pain reliever:

“After suffering from a 4 hour long blinding headache for which nothing I took brought any relief, I tried the sodium bicarbonate, 1 tsp mixed in a glass of water. Within a few short minutes I could feel the headache abating and within the hour it was completely relieved! I tried this again when another headache occurred, and it worked just as miraculously.”

“This is the best pain reliever of all the ones I have been trying. I am amazed that something so simple would be so potent! I haven’t exceeded 7 a day; but wish I could. It takes the pain away for about 2 hours. Nothing seems to work more then 2 hours at a time.”

My father was a veterinarian and as far back as I can remember (I was born in 1938 so my memory goes back to maybe 1943) he would take sodium bicarbonate dissolved in a full glass of warm water whenever he felt a cold coming on. I don’t remember him ever coming down with a full blown cold.He would treat my cold symptoms likewise and I responded equally as well. He also treated farm animals for various illnesses with sodium bicarbonate via a gastric tube and they recovered quickly. So I’ve known about the benefits of sodium bicarbonate from early childhood on. Glad to see that its benefits are being more widely touted. Although my father was a doctor of Veterinarian medicine, he sometimes referred to himself as an MD (Mule Doctor).

Dr. David B Winter, DO

Source: Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P), Director International Medical Veritas Association, Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine