A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: fda

nogmo from Stop GMO and Monsato

Fluoride cause cancer - Dr. Dean Burk

Dr. Dean Burk co-authored one of the most frequently cited papers in the history of biochemistry, "The Determination of Enzyme Dissociation Constants," published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society in 1934.

In 1937, Dean became a co-founder of the US National Cancer Institute (NCI), and headed its Cytochemistry department for over three decades. - Fluoride is a substance used in industry as an insecticide and to kill rodents. It is more poisonous than lead and just slightly less poisonous than arsenic. Should it be used routinely on children to prevent decay? Should it be placed in the drinking water? Does it actually prevent tooth decay?

In 1993 over 39,000 records of school children 5-17 years of age from 84 areas around the United States were studied. The decay rate was virtually the same in the fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas. Dr. John Colquhoun, former Chief Dental Officer of the Department of Health for Auckland, New Zealand, studied tooth decay statistics from 60,000 12-13 year olds. He showed that water fluoridation had no significant effect on the decay rate of permanent teeth.

Dr. Dean Burk, former Chief Chemist of the National Cancer Institute, showed that there are 10,000 or more fluoridation-linked cancer deaths yearly in the United States. The National Cancer Institute, the New Jersey Department of Health, and the Safe Water Foundation all found the incidence of ostereosarcoma (bone cancer) to be substantially higher in young men exposed to fluoridated water, as compared to those who were not.

In 1993 the Subcommittee on Health Effects of Ingested Fluoride of the National Research Council, admitted that 8-51% and, sometimes, up to 80% of the children living in fluoridated areas with the amounts recommended by the promoters of fluoride have dental fluorosis. Fluorosis is the first sign of fluoride poisoning.

We are Slowly Being Poisoned & Controlled by our Government though the Chemical spraying in our skies, Fluoridated Drinking Water, Meds/antibiotics/processed foods/liquid drinks/healthcare products, (BVO-Flame Retardant in Soft-Drinks/Sports Drinks) - Vaccinations, etc. Fluoride is generated by aluminum, steel, fertilizer factories, coal burning power plants and in the production of glass and cement. Gaseous fluoride and other process waste byproducts have previously been allowed to be expelled through the factory smokestack New environmental regulation now require "scrubbers" atop of smokestacks to remove these toxic chemicals from escaping in the air.

Died Suddenly (2022)

Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet... we never seem to believe them.

The Stew Peters Network is proud to present Died Suddenly, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer.

They are the minds behind Watch The Water and These Little Ones, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history.

Psychiatric drugs killing more users than heroin, cocaine, say health experts (2017)

Health professionals are sounding the alarm over the heightened risk of death linked to the use of psychiatric drugs – particularly benzodiazepine – which was highlighted in a pair of Vancouver-based studies published this month. 

Benzodiazepine (BZD) is a class of psychiatric medications known as “tranquillizers” which can reduce the body’s drive to breathe and are used to treat anxiety, sleep disorders, seizures, and other conditions. They include commonly prescribed drugs such as Valium, Xanax, and Ativan. [Full article]