A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: expose

Be Prepared for Transgender Numbers to Skyrocket in Future Generations, NHS Health Boss Says (2018)

The UK must “be prepared” for more Britons to question their gender in the coming years. An NHS health boss has said that he believes up to three per cent of the population will contact transgender health services in the future.

James Palmer, the medical director for specialized services at NHS England, said at a conference on Monday that the expansion and improvement of NHS gender health services could cause demand to "accelerate". [Read More]

Hitler’s Fake Death and Escape

Hitler and Stalin cover up the evidence, buried and reburied the body of Hitler revealing death of Hitler's double dental records. The true story exposed on Doomtowns.

Rush to Judgment (1967)

This is an investigation of attorney Mark Lane, who wanted to represent Lee Harvey Oswald, but was not allowed to. He did his own investigation, and interviewed first hand witnesses from Dealey Plaza, and this video is the result.

Financial secrets of the Vatican exposed

What financial secrets is the Vatican hiding? What links are there to money laundering and the Vatican bank? Who is really in control of the Catholic Church and its money? What unholy alliances exist between the Catholic church and the CIA. What is Operation Gladio and how has the church participated in this clandestine operation? Why has the Vatican charged two Italian reporters and put them on trial, and what secrets might they reveal?

Billy Graham: forerunner to Antichrist (2018)

This message and expose of Billy Graham and his wicked apostasy, heresies, and utter deception is by Pastor Gregory A. Miller of Bible Believer's Fellowship of Worthington, Ohio.