A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: eu

The first casualty of war is the truth - the current western propaganda for Ukraine is epic in scale

Everything we are seeing in U.S. media surrounding U.S. interests in Ukraine is a massive propaganda operation with the headquarters in the U.S. State Department and U.S. intelligence community. The sense of sympathy you are feeling is part of an intentionally manipulative operation from within this DC matrix. The images, pictures, videos, speeches, soundbites and the cinematography broadcast by U.S. corporate media are all purposefully intended to create a very specific outlook within the American people toward the issues in Ukraine. The leftist United Nations, and the leftist U.S State Dept, will work together on this just like they have done in the prior examples (Ukraine 1.0, Libya, Egypt, etc.). [Full article]

Pope Francis in Vatican interview with Eugenio Scalfari calls for a 'Federal Europe' to be created 'as soon as possible'

Europe must assume a federal structure as soon as possible. The resulting laws and political behaviors are decided by the federal government and the federal parliament, not by individual confederated countries. After all, this theme has repeatedly raised it, even when he spoke to the European Parliament. "It's true, I have repeatedly raised it". And he received many applauses and even ovations. "Yes, that's right, but unfortunately it means very little: countries will move if they realize a truth: either Europe becomes a federal community or will no longer count anything in the world. [Full article]

EU’s “Farm to Fork” exposed: total food takeover, EU’s “green deal”

The EU’s “Farm to Fork” strategy was unveiled this week, describing the necessary shift in people’s diets to insects as protein and away from meat/dairy. The EU promises to apply prohibitively high luxury taxes to meat and dairy, and has allocated €100s of billions to both buy out traditional farmers to stop farming and simultaneously fund robotic insect farms and lab-grown meat. Plus, they plan to refuse any trade deals unless partner countries are equally committed to “Green Alliances.” This is a global takeover of our food supply. Understand it. Expose it. Grow food.