In its latest predictive propaganda, the World Economic Forum asks, "What if extreme weather froze your bank account?" It is clear that deliberate interruptions to critical infrastructure are coming, and will be blamed on climate change in order to make the case that an imagined "climate disaster" requires carbon lockdowns and the totalitarian response for which the technocrats have been salivating for generations. Prepare for these disruptions - particularly to our food - now!
Posts for Tag: economy
WEF warns: global warming to disrupt financial system, “freeze” bank accounts
The great reset & silent weapons for quiet wars
This obscure and overlooked document contains a powerful open declaration of war against the masses on the part of the corporate elite. Originating in 1954, the document was discovered in 1986 and outlines the strategy of economic takeover through systems analysis.
2030 unmasked: vax, the banking system & the great reset
Albert Rivera interview; exposing The Vatican, Jesuits & NWO
Former Catholic priest Albert Rivera exposed the Vatican’s Jesuit priesthood and paid for the actions with his life.
Who controls the money controls the world
2007 vs 2021: the future is easy to predict - a warning to humanity
The Federal Reserve, Rothschild, and Vatican banking cartels
No Vatican mentioned in this presentation, but worth watching anyway.