Crroww 777 returns to SGT Report with actionable advice on how to treat the “flu” without resorting to Rockefeller petrochemicals. Dr. R E K E W E G knew the truth and his NATURAL remedies are sill available today! We also discuss the war against Master Peace, the Yale study proving that the mRNA Covid “vaccine” is a horrific bioweapon and much more, thanks for tuning in!
Posts for Tag: economy
Digital ID: The Foundation for Technocracy
Today the Independent Media Alliance brings you a panel on the rise of the digital ID, and how it is a foundational part of the growing technocratic agenda. We will discuss the interesting way that digital IDs continue to be the "solution" to whatever "problem" is currently facing the people, and how those problems can usually be traced back to the very government proposing the so-called solution. We will highlight the differing dialects used to promote digital ID by the different sides of the government, to give the illusion of opposition, yet show how all lead to the same outcome, and how all of this leads to the technocratic control structure that will enslave Democrats and Republicans alike.
Implied Content
Demons of the mRNA Vax - Anna Mihalcea
Dr. Ana Mihalcea returns to SGT Report with new data and research about the mRNA bioweapon and it is jaw dropping. We are all being infected by this deadly Luciferian nanotech – and if we don’t take steps to detox our blood and bodies, the unvaxed will likely start dropping dead too.
N A N O T E R R O R: Vax, Smart Dust & Depopulation - Dr. Ana Mihalcea
Dr. Ana Mihalcea returns to SGT Report with urgent information every American needs to hear. The nanotech is being put in everything and it’s now in everyone, both vaxxed and unvaxxed.
Scientific Frauds Exposed by Scientists
The Truth About Putin: What Fake Media Hides From US
With Russian leader Vladimir Putin dominating the news cycle this week due to his interview with Tucker Carlson, it is important to have some context about who Putin is, what he thinks, and how his actions have furthered the globalist agenda, explains The New American magazine's Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Of course, Tucker was right to interview him. And he was right to ask some tough questions. But part of the conservative movement has embraced Putin for a variety of reasons. In this episode, Alex gives some background of his work with the KGB, his Eurasian Union project, his relationship with globalist schemer Henry Kissinger, and more. Newman also goes back to the revelations of Anatoly Golitsyn, a KGB defector who warned that the Soviets were planning a staged "collapse of communism" after which the communists would be rebranded and remain in charge. Finally, Newman gets into how war and the threat of war is seen by globalists as a key catalyst for advancing the New World Order.
Euthanasia Booming in Canada: Infants are Next! Vaxed Horror Stories - Lt. Col. Therese Long
“After querying all pilots across the DOD, for all-cause morbidity and mortality, I found a stunning increase in the number of reportable events, spiking from an average of 226 reportable events a year (2016-2019) to 4,059 reports in 2022,” she explained. A DOD reportable event is any patient safety event resulting in death, permanent harm, or severe temporary harm—and all require a comprehensive systematic analysis and a follow-on corrective action implementation plan report. “The point is there is a statistically significant increase in death, permanent harm, or severe temporary harm in young healthy fit pilots,” she continued.
Such injuries were more obviously shown in this population. Because aviation pilots are required to have a superior level of health and fitness, and their health conditions are under more strict monitoring, according to Long. What spurred Long on to pull this second round of data was when she learned the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) had quietly made changes to the acceptable parameters of PR intervals (representative of the first part of a heartbeat, measured in seconds or milliseconds) on electrocardiograms of pilots.
The FAA didn’t respond with research and data to support their decision, according to Long. Those actions led to the press release dated Jan. 27, 2023 from Johnson in a letter to the FAA, where he stated the following details: “Based on data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database, the whistleblower [Theresa Long] reported that the total number of disease and injuries [reportable events] in pilots across the DOD was 265 in 2016, 252 in 2017, 164 in 2018, 223 in 2019, 2,194 in 2020, 2,861 in 2021, and 4,059 in 2022.” via @planettoday #PlanetToday: