A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: divide and conquer

Graphene & Nano Tech: This May Save Your Life! - Dr. Robert Young

Dr. Robert Young returns to SGT Report with an interview that will save many lives. The bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine is killing people all over the world, and now studies show that even the unvaxxed are being transfected with Graphene and nanotech through shedding, chemtrails, water and food. Yes, it’s in our food too. Don’t miss this one, the info shared here may well save the lives of your loved ones.

The Good Shepherd - John Paul Rice

Former film producer, activist and survivor of childhood abuse John Paul Rice returns to SGT Report with a dire warning about cultural Marxism, wolves in sheep’s clothing and the fall of the Republic which very much mirrors the fall of Rome. Thanks for sharing this one far and wide.

Now Bill Gates is Coming for Your Backyard Gardens

A new study suggests that urban gardens have a higher carbon footprint than "conventionally grown produce." Duh! Wouldn't it stand to reason that anything that is made to scale is more energetically efficient? Why are they coming for home gardens? Is this collectivization or are we being paranoid?

The New World Order a Second Look at the United Nations - G. Edward Griffin (2012)

Conspiracy Culture presents 'the New World Order a Second Look at the United Nations' with special guest G. Edward Griffin (author of Creature from Jekyll Island, World Without Cancer, The Capitalist Conspiracy, and producer of What in the World are They Spraying?') introduced by Patrick and Richard Syrett of 'The Conspiracy Show' at the Trinty-St. Paul's Centre for Faith, Justice, and the Arts, on Bloor Street in Toronto, Canada. Featuring the full speech and audience question & answer, PLUS a bonus interview with G. Edward Griffin hosted by Vijay Sarma following the event, including a question of the Federal Reserve "99 year lease" conspiracy, Mr. Griffin's thoughts on what are the most populist topics, & more...

Disease X Bioterror - Dr. Jason Dean

Dr. Jason Dean joins SGT Report to blow the World Economic Forum-Gates-UN-UK-CIA lab created ‘Disease X’ bio warfare agenda out of the water. The choice has never been more clear, either humanity rises up and arrests these enemies of humanity or eventually they’ll kill us all.

Disease X = Clade X - David Martin

Tabletop Exercise – Clade X. This training tabletop exercise is based on a fictional scenario. The inputs experts used for modelling the potential impact were fictional. It is a teaching and training resource for public health and government officials.