A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: delusion

Uncle Sam wants your DNA: the FBI’s diabolical plan to create a nation of suspects (2019)

As more and more data flows from your body and brain to the smart machines via the biometric sensors, it will become easy for corporations and government agencies to know you, manipulate you, and make decisions on your behalf. Even more importantly, they could decipher the deep mechanisms of all bodies and brains, and thereby gain the power to engineer life. If we want to prevent a small elite from monopolizing such godlike powers, and if we want to prevent humankind from splitting into biological castes, the key question is: who owns the data? Does the data about my DNA, my brain and my life belong to me, to the government, to a corporation, or to the human collective?”―Professor Yuval Noah Harari [Full article]

Dutroux and the dead witnesses - pedophile network coverup

In the Marc Dutroux case, there were at least 27 dead witnesses. This investigative documentary was aired by ZDF (Second German Television) in 2001.

Why did it take eight years to finally open the trial case against Dutroux? When the trial took place, the new investigator took four days to disclose his version of events. The result: the seven-year investigation had shown that Dutroux was a single perpetrator, case closed.

This was the conclusion although everything indicated that behind Dutroux was an organized pedophile network.

The families of the victims were horrified and accused the investigation of having been manipulated.

Public Schools Produce Dumb Kids No Wonder So Many Are Socialists, Says Walter Williams

Do you wonder why Sen. Bernie Sanders and his ideas are so popular among American college students? The answer is that they, like so many other young people who think they know it all, are really uninformed and ignorant. You say, “Williams, how dare you say that?! We’ve mortgaged our home to send our children to college.” Let’s start with the 2006 geographic literacy survey of youngsters between 18 and 24 years of age by National Geographic and Roper Public Affairs.

Less than half could identify New York and Ohio on a U.S. map. Sixty percent could not find Iraq or Saudi Arabia on a map of the Middle East, and three-quarters could not find Iran or Israel. In fact, 44 percent could not locate even one of those four countries. Youngsters who had taken a geography class didn’t fare much better. By the way, when I attended elementary school, during the 1940s, we were given blank U.S. maps, and our assignment was to write in the states. Today such an assignment might be deemed oppressive, if not racist. [Full article]