A State Of Truth

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Posts for Tag: deception

The 100% Truth About cancer And Our Sick System - John Richardson

John Richardson is a very interesting guy. And so was his father who endured the tyranny and persecution of the feds because he was healing people with natural remedies. John’s family was close to G. Edward Griffin who wrote the seminal book ‘World Without Cancer’ in which he told the world the truth about vitamin B17 which you can get for yourself below. John joins SGT Report to discuss this and so much more. Thanks for tuning in!

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The Dark Side of Smart Meters

In this invitational presentation to the San Francisco Tesla Society consulting engineer Rob States explains how PG&E’s so-called ‘smart’ meters work and why they endanger health and privacy. He asks the obvious question, “Why would you trust the company that brought you Prop. 16?”

The Whore of Revelation 17 Identified: Bible Prophecy Fulfilled

Once again, we look through history to identify the whore of Revelation 17. We look at the very beginning of the Roman Catholic religion and beyond. What were their beliefs? How did they supposedly become the center of the “Christian Church”? Was it by God, or the masterpiece apostate system of Satan?

U.N. Planetary Emergency Coming! False Flag Climate Tyranny

Globalists are about to meet this fall to plan a “Technocratic Takeover.” That is what our guest Derrick Broze calls the upcoming United Nations Meeting called “Summit of the Future” where nations will sign the so-called “Pact for the Future." It is expected to declare a “planetary emergency.” We don't like the sound of any of that! Broze is an independent journalist who writes for TheConsciousResistance.com and he joins us to discuss this.

Thousands Infected in UK Tainted Blood Scandal

In perhaps one of the largest medical scandals in the UK, thousands of hemophiliacs were given serious diseases when they unknowingly received tainted blood products. Without their knowledge, these people received blood from HIV positive, Hepatitis B, C and A positive donors who were sex workers and prisoners. We look into this rare moment where the public, legacy media, and over 180 politicians are aligned to bring justice for the victims.

The Body Area Network Nightmare - Hope & Tivon

Researchers Hope & Tivon are back with the truth about transhumanism and the horror of the body area network which is rolling out as the brave new future of "medicine", but in truth it's the track and trace kill box they need to enslave humanity in their evil web.

The Approaching ‘Tidal Wave’ of Cancer

Many have abandoned the media’s desperate attempt to ignore why cancer rates are spiking. Now, the American Cancer Society is sounding the alarm, predicting an 80% increase in tumors by 2050. Meanwhile, independent researchers have stepped up and honed in on credible sources pointing to the mass COVID vaccine rollout in 2021 as the prime culprit.