Posts for Tag: debt
Who benefits from a cashless society?
Rothschild banking plan: no such thing as a coincidence
CDC & WHO study prove face masks don't prevent virus
The left’s evil cultural Marxist agenda is waking the world
Defund meat: the new plan to end meat by stripping credit/capital
Silver thieves & the den of thieves
What is the real agenda behind the effort to defund & dismantle police?
Many are afraid to ask these questions because they may be labeled a racist, for daring to question the legitimacy of the groups who seem to defy the rule of law with complete immunity from the judicial system. At the same time they receive the endorsement of political leaders, celebrities and mega corporations. In this report Spiro is joined by Rosa Koire, a top expert on the United Nations Agenda 21 who authored the book titled ‘Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21′ Spiro and Rosa Koire discuss and break down how the United Nations’ long standing global governance agendas are materializing before our eyes hidden just beneath the veil of global crisis and social injustice.
VISA patent signals masonic digital dollar
Major hotels have begun to fail, waves of loan defaults begin
Everything is beginning to collapse just as we’re hitting the peak of the bond market maturity wall. This means it’s about to get even worse as we are beginning to see the waves of bankruptcies hitting the retail sector as they have seems a rush of very large names beginning to fail but the Hotel and leisure sector is now seeing even multi-million dollar hotels failing in Manhattan Hotel rooms that used to go for around $500 a night are now hoping to find someone to book a room for $83.
The hotel industry has been hit extremely hard so far and judging by the collapse in the CMBX series 9 BBB- which has 17% exposure to the hotel industry some are suggesting that this is the next big short.
Defaults are on the rise whether it is the rental car companies, hotels and according to Fitch ratings the energy sector is also in hot water. loan defaults have just reached a 6 years high and used car prices have taken a huge drop due to the fleets of used cars being dumped onto the market and soon if Hertz files bankruptcy their creditors may dump the entire fleet of cars at once which could be the finishing move on car prices. The car companies were already projecting declining sales before any of this came along and the employees were fighting with the automakers over money meaning things were already on the decline.