An organization of 97 of the world's biggest cities has determined how many items of clothing you will be allowed per year, how much if any food. And travel? You've got to be kidding. The Netherlands is taking farmland, NOT to protect the environment, but in order to create a gigantic "Smart City".
Posts for Tag: covid
Meet Your New World Government Masters: The World Health Organisation Pandemic Treaty
Domestic Flights Now Banned - Effective this Week in France!
Harvard study: demons in graphene = low frequency plasmon study
NG191 death protocol: upcoming UK depopulation cull
The control grid and the death of truth
Connecting the dots: Agenda 21 / 2030 & the loss of property ownership
Limits on clothing, travel, food: mega smart cities
Trudeau Creates Death Squad: Canada Reveals Euthanize Plan
The WHO & the devil incarnate - James Roguski
James Roguski returns to SGT Report with another warning about Tedros and The World Health Organization’s goal to be your global health dictator.