A State Of Truth

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Posts for Tag: corporatism

Absurd new ways Splenda is deceiving you

The artificial sweetener industry has defended the safety of sucralose (Splenda), stating that it rapidly passes unmetabolized through your body and therefore has no biological effects.

However, research reveals sucralose is in fact metabolized and that it accumulates in your fat cells. The study found two new metabolites that have not previously been identified.

As these findings were not part of the original regulatory decision process for sucralose, the researchers are calling for a review of its safety and regulatory status.

Other recent research found sucralose causes definite changes in the liver of treated rats, suggesting toxic effects. According to the researchers, sucralose should be used with caution to avoid liver damage.

Previous research found sucralose reduces gut bacteria by 50%, preferentially targeting bacteria known to have important human health benefits.

Killing us softly - glyphosate herbicide or genocide? (2017)


One of the more bizarre actions in terms of the health and safety of EU citizens is the saga of Monsanto and its toxic herbicide or weed-killer, Roundup, the most widely used weed-killer on the planet. On October 25, 2017 the European Union Commission again announced that it lacked the necessary member state votes to approve a ten year license extension for weed-killer glyphosate. They will try again. Behind this seeming routine announcement is one of the hottest battles over food and human health the world has seen since the 1972 USA decision to ban spraying of deadly DDT pesticides on crops. This time the stakes go far beyond the ban on glyphosate. It affects the future of human fertility or lack of it. [Full article]

Investigative journalist found dead in D.C. hotel room weeks after reporting Bill Clinton to FBI & DHS for allegedly raping boy (2018)

Investigative Journalist Jen Moore was found dead in a suburban Washington D.C. hotel room Monday, according to police and shocked and distraught friends and colleagues.

Moore died of an apparent seizure. Police are closely investigating the cause of death in Prince Georges County, Maryland. Preliminary reports from police said the death was not the result of suicide. [Full article]

Invisible empire: a new world order defined

In the tradition of his first Internet blockbuster, Loose Change, which has had over 100 million visits, Jason Bermas has created yet another outstanding documentary film, Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined.

This film documents very clearly that some of America’s most powerful elected officials, including all recent presidents, have been part of an international cabal to establish a socialist New World Order that would eradicate national sovereignty and many of the god-given freedoms vouchsafed in the Constitution of the United States, making all citizens mere slaves of the state.

It has an amazing collection of video footage of these leaders stating their unabashed ambitions to establishing this New World Order. It also shows just who is behind this international cabal and their nefarious intentions and true sinister nature. It is deeply troubling and very important.

Again, its relevance to Free Energy technology is two-fold.

First, these same forces are behind many of the instances of suppression of breakthrough free energy, which would empower the individual, contrary to the NWO agenda to enslave.

Second, the emergence of breakthrough free energy technologies will help unseat these criminals. It is a powerful antidote to the poison being administered.

Another point of relevance is that the film touches on the fact that Al Gore is one of the New World Order insiders helping to accomplish their objectives by politicizing climate change and using it as a reason to impose global carbon taxes; all while personally becoming super wealthy from his various involvements that include serious conflicts of interest.

He should not be seen as a hero figure in the free energy movement.

How Big Oil conquered the world - the Rockefeller Family

From farm to pharmaceutical, diesel truck to dinner plate, pipeline to plastic product, it is impossible to think of an area of our modern-day lives that is not affected by the oil industry. The story of oil is the story of the modern world. And this is the story of those who helped shape that world, and how the oil-igarchy they created is on the verge of monopolizing life itself.

Man asks valid question: “why am I taxed on the solar energy that I generate myself?”

A man who designed and built his own home especially so that he wouldn’t have to pay tax on his energy bills has had to do exactly that.

Kris Currie had a dream of going off-grid and went about finding how he could transform his home into an energy-creating complex.

He built his house in New Dominion, P.E.I. (Prince Edward Island), Canada so that every aspect of it was designed to create energy. He dreamt of not paying any money to the government for energy that he planned to make all himself. [Full article]