A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: corporatism

C40 Cities: UN-WEF Globalist Land Grab - Callender & Vliet

Make no mistake, Gavin Newsom and the demonic DemonRats are directly responsible for the horrific wildfires and devastation that is sweeping across Los Angeles, CA. This is all part of the C40 smart cities UN-WEF globalist land grab. Wake up folks!

Hidden History & Our Great Awakening - Matt, Cultivate Elevate

Matt Roeske is the incredibly insightful researcher and founder of Cultivate Elevate and he’s doing a remarkable job of bringing truth to the awakening masses worldwide regarding natural remedies, ElectroCulture, the electric universe, our hidden history, and much, much more. You’re going to love this one. Thanks for tuning in.

Vaxxed III: Authorized to Kill

Vaxxed III presents footage from “The People’s Study” - stories collected by Polly and the CHD Films team during a nine-month journey across America in the VAXXED bus. Describing the firsthand testimonies that they heard, gathered from “mothers, fathers, teenagers, families, medical professionals, whistleblowers, lawyers, and people from all walks of life.”