A State Of Truth

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Posts for Tag: conspiracy

How to detoxify from chemotherapy and repair the body

This is not the easiest article for me to write, as I have seen many people cure cancer naturally. On the other hand, being diagnosed with cancer is so incredibly scary for someone and their family, and choices are made in haste.

Many times I’ve seen someone who believed in natural medicine, someone who swore they would never go the chemo route, get talked into chemotherapy by what I hope are well-meaning physicians and a terrified family. If you are considering chemotherapy while reading this, I urge you to, first and foremost, find out how much time you have before the situation is dire. In most cases, the person diagnosed with cancer has much more time to make a decision than the oncologist led him or her to believe. In fact, with many types of cancer, the average five to seven-year survival rate is decreased once chemotherapy is administered. [Full article]

Vaccine industry watchdog obtains CDC documents that show statistically significant risks of autism associated with vaccine preservative Thimerosal (2014)

For nearly ten years, Brian Hooker has been requesting documents that are kept under tight wraps by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). His more than 100 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests have resulted in copious evidence that the vaccine preservative Thimerosal, which is still used in the flu shot that is administered to pregnant women and infants, can cause autism and other neuro developmental disorders. [Full article]

200 ordinary medications cause depression and suicidal thoughts: are you taking one of them?

It would be difficult to overlook the epidemic of depression that has struck the United States over the past decades. The CDC recently found that death by suicide was up more than 30% and the use of antidepressants has vaulted 65% in the past 15 years.

There are many different theories about this increase. Everything from internet addiction to the Trump presidency to environmental causes has been blamed. Some believe it’s always been like this but that the stigma has lessened and more people are getting help. [Full article]

Climate change conspiracy against us all

Agenda 2030  Goal 13 Agire per il clima

Are you saying that CO2 is not a pollutant and we should not be concerned about rising levels? Correct. CO2 levels have been much higher than currently over the millennia. The Global Warming crowd has an agenda and the core of that is to reduce the population. They remain influenced by the Malthus theory and have been hell-bent on stopping population growth. [Full article]