Posts for Tag: conspiracy
Lee Harvey Oswald was innocent - documents affirm
Big Pharma’s Shocking Strategies That Manipulate Information and Increase Sales
America’s top owner of farmland: Bill Gates - in control of food
Molecular biologist explains how THC completely kills cancer cells
Above is a video of Dr. Christina Sanchez, a molecular biologist at Compultense University in Madrid, Spain, clearly explaining how THC (the main psychoactive constitute of the cannabis plant) completely kills cancer cells.
Niles' Weekly Register, Baltimore, November 28, 1829 - Rothschilds have purchased Jerusalem
The United Nations and the new age
The Black Pope - A History Of The Jesuits by MF Cusack
Get the free book here.
Dr. Stephanie Seneff presentation on harmful effects of glyphosate
Former salesman for vaccine maker Merck & Co. wouldn’t vaccinate his son
"If you believe what you are told by the AMA and the CDC and you are doctor, you are not doing enough research."
In 1991 Scott Cooper and his wife researched vaccine safety and efficacy, determined vaccines are NOT safe or effective, and refused to vaccinate their son. Interestingly, their son was much healthier than his vaccinated peers throughout childhood. At the time, Scott worked as a sales rep for Merck & Co., a large vaccine manufacturer, and he had dived deep into researching vaccines and the risk associated with vaccination. His Pediatrician was befuddled that Scott would not vaccinate, especially because he worked for a large vaccine manufacturer! His son continues to be healthy, and Scott and his wife have no regrets about not vaccinating their son.