A State Of Truth

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Posts for Tag: conservatives

Why Conservatives Avoid the Truth About Jeffrey Epstein - Ian Carroll

They know we know. They know that we know that they know. And they don't care. It's the ugliest form of disrespect for the American citizen that government and media pundits can commit.

Ian Carroll Directly calls out @benshapiro @charliekirk11 @jordanbpeterson @megynkelly @lexfridman @GadSaad @LauraLoomer

So, will they respond?

The Jewish globalist communist satanic cabal - Dr. William Luther Pierce III

Dr. William Luther Pierce III was a hardcore conservative, American Patriot. For more than 30 years, he was one of the highest-profile individuals of the Nationalist Patriot movement and against the Jewish globalist communist satanic cabal. A physicist by profession, and a book author. Pierce founded the National Alliance/National Vanguard (the original Make America Great Again & America First), an organization which he led for almost 30 years.

Black conservatives under attack by liberals for daring to "wander off their plantation"


The one demographic that liberals hate more than white conservatives are black conservatives, whom they attack by calling them "Uncle Tom," or "Token blacks" or "Coons" for daring to speak out and promote an ideology to which liberals do not agree with. Part of the headline for this article comes from a comment I saw by the Communications Director for TPUSA, Candace Owens. Owens is a young, well spoken, African American woman, who is a conservative Trump supporter. As part of an ongoing discussion in relation to a school newspaper attacking students of color because they are conservative, by calling them a "token," Owens offered the perspective of a woman of color that is attacked daily because of her political ideology, where she states in part "Democrats have successfully trained their blacks to use racist terminology against any other blacks that wander off their plantation. @temiikudayisi, “Uncle Tom, Coon, and token” are terms created by masters to create allegiance amongst slaves." [Full article]